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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

124 B O A R D O F TRUSTEES [January 9 much wall space. In our own case, i we initiate the practice, we should, in the first f instance, provide a dozen or more tablets. 2. This method does not call the matter as fully to the attention of people interested as some other method. The tablets are seen only by a few students, a few members of the faculty, and the occasional visitor. Therefore, i is neither widely t commemorative nor widely suggestive. 3. The method is unduly expensive. Other methods followed in many institutions are these: 1. Due acknowledgment by the Board of Trustees and printing in the minutes. 2. Acknowledgment in the President's Annual Reports. 3. Acknowledgment at Commencement time. 4. Acknowledgment through the newspapers at the time of the gift and, in some cases, on those occasions when the prizes, loans, fellowships, etc., are awarded. 5. A special pamphlet, perhaps year by year or occasionally, enumerating the gifts to the University with due acknowledgment of their source. Such pamphlets get wide circulation. It seems to your committee that acknowledgment written in the minutes of the Board, in the President's Reports, in the Catalogue, are all good. These methods are followed by the University at present. In addition, your committee is of the opinion that it would be well to publish occasionally, at the discretion of the President of the University, a pamphlet or booklet giving a brief account of these gifts with due acknowledgment and appreciation. O n motion of M r . Trees, this report w a s adopted. BONDS ON DENTISTRY BUILDING Mr. Trees, for the Finance Committee, recommended that no action be taken with respect to the proposed cancelation of bonds of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, on the Dentistry Building, purchased with and held for University trust funds (page 79). O n motion of Mr. Trees, this recommendation was adopted. IMPROVEMENT OF STREETS Mr. Barr, for the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, made the following report: We recommend that the Board of Trustees oppose the opening of any additional s r e s through the University Campus, but that the Board adopt a policy that tet will favor its cooperation with the Twin Cities in the widening and improvement of streets adjoining to and around the campus, as well as the widening and improvement of Springfield and University Avenues. George A. Barr Merle J. Trees Helen M . Grigsby O n motion of M r . Barr, this recommendation w a s adopted. LETTER FROM MRS. 1CKES President Armstrong read a letter from Mrs. Anna Wilmarth Ickes, expressing her regret at the severance of her connection with the Board. O n motion of Mrs. Evans, the President of the Board was requested to express to Mrs. Ickes the regret of the Board for her resignation, and its pleasure at her promise to continue her support of the University in the General Assembly. DATE OF FEBRUARY MEETING On motion of Mr. Trees, the date of the February meeting was set for Wednesday, February 20, 1929, at 9:30 a.m. at the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago.
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