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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

W9\ UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 107 Schedule D BALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER 31* 1 2 98 ASSETS I. General and Building Funds Cash in Hands of University Treasurer. . #898 019 53 Petty Cash Funds 30 600 00 Balance in State Appropriations For Operation £2 068 350 24 For Buildings • 756 150 70 For Special Purposes 7 637 23 2 832 138 17 Stores and Service Departments (stock and work in process) 185 361 57 Loan to McKinley Hospital (Trust Fund) 14 450 00 Accounts Receivable 27 130 18 Estimated Income from: (Sen. B) Smith-Lever, Hatch-Adams, Purnell, and Capper- Ketchum U. S. Appropriations. 179 812 07 Interest on Endowment Fund from Land Grant of 1862 16 225 33 State Board of Vocational Education (Smith-Hughes) 16 000 00 Fees 410 913 97 Agricultural Sales and Miscellaneous, 118 577 02 741 528 39 £4 729 227 84 II. Trust Funds Cash 165 939 74 Note* Receivable 153 216 68 Investments Savings Account 7 135 18 Stock and Bonds 242 623 03 Land 57 950 00 307 708 21 626 864 63 III. Endowment Fund Endowment Fund (in hands of State Auditor) from Land Grant of 1862,. 649 012 91 IV. Plant and Property Plant and Property (July 1, 1928) ^22 226 540 48 Total Assets 528 231 645 86 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS I. General and Building Funds Appropriation Balances (Sch. C) Encumbered $ 791 857 69 Unencumbered 3 518 417 77 H 3 *o 275 46 Reserve for Extension Petty Cash Funds 1 200 00 Reserve for Stores 122 360 64 Reserve for Loan to Trust Fund 14 450 00 Residence Hall and Hospital Balances 139 833 05 Unappropriated Agricultural Income. 12 567 21 Unappropriated Bonds IIV. ReserveContingent Fund) (Sch.Surplus and 456 000 00 22 470 703 90 $28626 540 63 II. Bonds andTotal Funds Funds.Assets II. Dental Property Bonds and(Reserve Loan forSurplus in Fixed A) Surplus Invested Income Endowment Funds Fund Expendable Liabilities Less: Treasury from General Trust Funds Endowment 607 450 90 14 253 00 600 174 140 73 22 226 864 48 156 160 48 $4 729 227 84 128 400 48 52 541 00 649^012 91 231 645 86
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