UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926 [PAGE 656]

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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Boner, J., appointments, 66, 327 Bonn, D. E., salary adjustment, 9 Bonnen, C. A., appointment, 349 Bonnen, E. G., degree, 620 Book«tacks for new Library, 383 contract, 410 Boon, G. T.,degree, 264 Booth Fisheries bonds, sale authorization rescinded, 414 Bopp, C. E., degree, 429 Bopp, H. F., degree, 174 Borah, L. \VM degree, 400 Bordner, H. W., C.P.A. certificate, 638 Borgeaon, C., appointment, 107 degree, 255 Borgmeier, P. T., degree, 251 Borkiund, C. E., degree, 608 Borling, J. R-, degree, 614 Born, C. E., aegree, 625 Borovsky, M . P., appointment, 390 BorrelH, W . F., degree, 632 Borror, C. D., degree, 617 Boruff, C. S., degree, 263 Boseley, H. R., commission, 622 degree, 616 BosheH, E. O., degree, 619 Bosquet, E. W., degree, 261 Boss, A. E., appointment, 324. Bosworth, A. W., degree, 619 Botany, budget, 323 eipenee, 322 salaries, 322 Boteler, G. O., degree, 259 Bothman, L-, appointment, 388 Bott. R. F-. degree, 429 Boudreau, E., appointment, 316 Boughton, C J. B., degree, 608 Boufanger, Nadia, contract, 117 Bourland, L- T.s degree, 616 Bourne, E. G., appointment, 338 Bousquet, E. W., appointments, 447, 538 commission, 261 degree, 247 Bowditch, I.. J., degree, 264 Bower, L. E., appointment, 390 Bower, 0. KM appointments, 448, 553 Bown, A. J-, degree, 266 Bowton, R. M., degree, 620 Boyce, A. C , appointment, 107 degree, 250 Boyce, P. R.» degree, 256 Boyd, A. M., appointments, 201, 354, 523 Boyd, B. B-, scholarship, 584 Boyd, Mrs. E. F., appointments, 192, 277, n 3S8, 470 Brahana,E.V.,degree,505251; 362 340 364 Boynton,A.,F.,degree,258256 119, 398523 Boyd, J.Z.R-A.,degree,254173 325322 323, 521 Braker, T.H.G.»C.P.A. 257 Braese, C.MW., appointments, 324, Brady, C.V-,L.,degree, certificate, Bradt,P.O.A.,,E.,degree,259 Bradley,J.,G., appointment, 328, Bradbury,F. appointment,400 200, 521 Braley, D. E.,R.,degree, 617 Braden,E. absence, 173 Boyer, ofC- S.,degree,613 Brams, S. C.J.,appointment, Bramlet,E.BMB., appointments, leave A., appointments, . E., degree, 174 C appointments, appointment, 259 513


Branch, W . L., commission, 622 degree, 616 Brandenberger, A. R-, degree. 629 Brandenburg, K. C , degree, 267 Brandt, T., appointment, 139 Brandtzaeg, A., degree, 626 Brannon, J. M., appointment, 348 Brasmer, C. E-, degree, 630 Braucher, H. H., appointments, 201, 336, 523 Braude, B., appointment, 391 Braun, C. C-, appointment, 448 Brauner, E. R., degree, 515 Braunstein, B. D-, degree, 629 Bray, C. I., degree, 513 Bray, E. C , degree, 616 Bray, R. H., appointment, 346 Brazee, W . L.T degree, 256 BrazneU, E. E., degree, 617 Breathvnt, R-, appointments, 203, 330 Breckenridge, M-, appointments, 277, 350 Bredenbeck, F. W., degree, 252 Breeding, G. R., appointments, 277, 448 Brehm, H. E., appointments, 66, 107, 326 Breish, C, F., degree, 608 Breitweiser, J. V-, appointment, 200 Bremer, E„ degree, 256 Brennan, J. E., degree, 253 Brennan, J. W-, appointments, 107, 448 Brennan, Jessica W., appointments, 318, 509 Brennan, M . E., appointments, ill, 538 Brenneman, W . W., degree, 259 Brennen, W . T., C.P.A. certificate, 44 Breuillaud, C , appointments, 330, 377, 525 Brewer, L. D., degree, 255 Brewer, L. R., degree, 267 Brey, E. I,., degree, 61$ Brickett, E. M., degree, 265 Bridegroom, H. G., degree, 629 Bridegroom, P. L-, degree, 259 Briel, C. G-, degree, 631 Briggs, F. A., degree, 611 Brigham, H. S.r appointments, 66, 321, 401 Bright, L, O-, degree, 262 Briney, E. M., appointment, 553 Briney, W . F., degree, 267 Brink, M . C.» degree, 430 Brinton, J., degree, 247 Bristow, L-, scholarship, 584 Britton, W . E-, appointments, 201, 354 C.P.A. committee, 463 Broadhurst, T. J., appointment, 317 Brock, J. H-, degree, 258 Brock, W . S-, appointment, 350 Broday, E-, appointment, 359 Brodboll, N. F., degree, 267 Brode, D.J.R.,R.,fellowship, 322 $62,44 Brooks, MD.W., E.,appointments, Brooke,A..628D-,degrees,429357389 Brook, G.C.M.,degree,631 613 3*7 Brody, WB.,J.O.,degree,26549. 182 44364 Brouzas,V.,B., degree, 256 Bro.ugh, E.j.,G.,C.P.A. certificate, Brothers,.H.E.,contracts, 338 Bronars,M.,A., degree, 608616 444 Broderick,E.appointment,26S, 470 Brown, F. 0., degree,certificate, Brothen,N. E-, C.P.A. 251 Brophy, J.M., appointment, Brook6, Ellis,degree,24978 250 Broom, H. C., degree, degree,G. F., degree, D. Cappointment, A., degree,