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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Committees, advisory, Urbana, Agriculture, College of, appointments, 6, 300 board, standing, appointments, 167, 443 continuation, 132 renaming or deletion, amendment of Bylaws, 385 Communication, Department of (Chicago campus), designated, 13£F Communication and theater (Chicago campus), Bachelor of Arts decree, divided and transferred, 139 Master of Arts degree, divided and transferred 140 Communication and Theater, Department of (Chicago campus), head, appointment, 50 redesignated, 139 theater component, transferred, 139 Communications, College of (Urbana), degree, Bachelor of Science in Media Studies, internal transfer, 572 Bachelor of Science in Radio and Television, discontinued, 307 Master of Science in Radio and Television, discontinued, 307 degrees, conferred, 71, 153, 292, 360, 406, 455, 8 578 Communications Research, Institute of (Urbana), degree, Bachelor of Science in Media Studies, internal transfer, 572 Community Health, Department of (Urbana), degree, name corrected, 573 Composite Materials Research, National Center for (Urbana), discontinued, 518 Comptroller, authority to accept land transfer from Illinois Department of Central Management Services, 452 authority to award contracts, Adams, Roger, Laboratory Building remodeling, 219 Airport, University ot Illinois-Willard, security system, 321 Biaxial Shock Test Machine building (CERL), office addition, 473 Buell, Temple Hoyne, Hall, 113 I Mini Union Warehouse, 219 installation of variable speed fan controls (Urbana), 401 Materials Science and Engineering Instructional Laboratories renovation, 220 Memorial Stadium, replace skylights and paintK 7 8 ing, 220 ^ structural steel modification work, 220 Public Safety Building, 219, 430 Student Services Building (Chicago campus), parking deck renovation, 21ST authority to enter into ground lease with AMVETS, 452 authority to enter into media contracts, 421 election, 132, 412 report, contracts, 70, 122, 181, 255, 359, 405 investments, 122, 181, 255, 359, 405, 476, 573 quarterly, 122, 181, 255, 405, 454, 533 Computer programming services, contract, Chicago campus, Hospital, University, 448 Computer science (Urbana), minor, establishment, 122 Concrete work, contract, Champaign, Law, College of, Building, addition and remodeling, 213 Chicago campus, Chicago Circle Center Offices, 239 Conflict of Interest, Interim Guidelines on, 463 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, lease agreement, 150 Connelly, G. F., Mechanical Contractors, Inc., contract, 211, 278 recision of board action, 282 Conrad, K. J., appointment, 489 Constable, P. D., appointment, 171 Constantinou, A. L, appointment, 171 Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, addition to laboratory facility, issuance of revenue bonds, successor escrow agent, 208 contract, Biaxial Shock Test Machine Building, triaxial upgrade and office addition, architectural services, 354 587 Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, cont'd engineering services, 354 lease agreement, amendment, 355 shock test building, remodeling of and addition 8 to, 355 * Construction manager services, contract, Intercollegiate Athletics, Division of, administration facility, 502 Construction Technology Laboratories, Inc., contract, 449, 568 increase, 63, 353 •act, Construction work, general, contract, Champaign, Building, office Biaxial Shock Test Machine ~ addition, 530 Gerty Drive Building, 241 Intramural-Physical Education Building, front entrance renovation, 214, 404 Memorial Stadium, replace skylights and painting, 252 structuraisteel modification work, 252 Police Training Institute, Tactical Training Center, firing range improvements, 1 7§ Sixth Street steam tunnel, 472 Taft/Van Doren Residence Halls, common area improvements, 218 Chicago campus, Associated Health Professions Building, 280 Clinical Sciences Building, 147 remodeling, 112 remodeling laboratories, 210 Edelstone, Sigmund E., Medical Student Center, 89 Engineering Research Facility, deionized water system, 351 Hospital, University, surgicenter, 564 Medical Center District Steam Plant, boiler no. 7 stack addition, 20 Medicine, College of, West Tower, sixth floor remodeling, 319 parking structure D-l, increase, 64 parking structure no. 1, remodel ground F floor, 61 * Pavilion, expansion, 211 Roosevelt Road Building, remodeling second floor, 111 Science and Engineering South, 90 Student Residence and Commons addition, 148 increase, 177 Student Services Building, 398 parking deck renovation, 249 Springfield, Cooperative Extension Service offices, 20 Urbana, Adams, Roger, Laboratory, remodeling 250 Allen Residence Halls, egress paths, 218 electrical system upgrade, 216 Bioacoustics Research Laboratory, 93 bookstore and office building, 146 increase, 177, 401 Buell, Temple Hoyne, Hall, 144 Daniels Residence Hall, egress paths, 218 Engineering Quadrangle, utility systems and steam tunnel relocation, 215, 275 Environmental and Agricultural Sciences Building, 91 Gregory Hall, remodeling classrooms, 471 Illini Union, patio enclosure, 319 stairwell addition, 320 warehouse, 252 Law, College of, Building, addition and remodeling, increase, 95 Lincoln Avenue Residence Halls, dining rooms air conditioning, 216 egress paths upgrading, 425 electrical system upgrade, 216 Materials Research Facilities, renovation, 567 Materials Science and Engineering Instructional Laboratories, 253 increase, 404 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory IIA, remodeling, ^99
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