Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1994] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 573 The new option in Agroecology specifically addresses the increasing student interest in ecologically-based management of cropping systems, stewardship of the environment, and sustainable food production systems. In addition, the option will address the interests of public- and private-sector employers in hiring students with contemporary knowledge of practices and principles consistent with reduced use of purchased chemical inputs in cropping systems. The elimination of the option in General Agronomy in the Agronomy major carries no additional financial or staffing obligations. Likewise, the addition of the new Agroecology option requires no further funding or staff. This report was received for record. Report of the Secretary: Correction of Name of Degree in College of Applied Life Studies, Urbana (36) On March 10, 1988, the Board of Trustees approved the establishment of the degree of Master of Science in Public Health (M.S.P.H.) in the College of Applied Life Studies at Urbana. The M.S.P.H. is a terminal professional degree which requires the completion of twelve units of post-baccalaureate study and the preparation of a thesis. On May 14, 1992, the Board of Trustees approved a recommendation to change the name of the Urbana campus department which is responsible for the M.S.P.H. program from the Department of Health and Safety Studies to the Department of Community Health. Undergraduate, graduate, and professional departmental degree designations were also updated as a part of that action. The agenda item erroneously listed the M.S.P.H. as a Master of Science degree ("M.S. in Public Health in Community Health"), and this listing has led to problems in record keeping and in the awarding of degrees. The chancellor at Urbana has recommended that the record be corrected to show that the terminal professional degree awarded in the Department of Community Health is the M.S.P.H. in Community Health. The vice president for academic affairs concurred with this recommendation. The president instructed that the correction be made. The record has been corrected accordingly. This report was received for record. Comptroller's Report of Investment Transactions Quarter Ended March 31, 1994 (37) The comptroller presented the above report which includes transactions under Finance and Audit Committee guidelines and transactions under the comptroller's authority. A copy of this report is filed with the secretary of the board. This report was received for record. SECRETARY'S REPORT The secretary presented for record appointments to the faculty and changes of status made by the president, resignations, terminations, and retirements. A copy of the report is filed with the secretary. DEGREES CONFERRED The secretary presented for record the following list of degrees conferred on candidates at the Chicago and Urbana-Champaign campuses on the dates indicated.