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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1994] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 523 On motion of Ms. Reese, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Boyle, Dr. Gindorf, Mr. Grabowski, Mrs. Gravenhorst, Mr. Lamont, Ms. Lopez, Ms. Reese; no, none; absent, Dr. Bacon, Mrs. Calder, Governor Edgar. (The student advisory vote was: Aye, Ms. Huff; absent, Mr. Riley.) Contract for Facilities Planning Services, University of Illinois Hospital and Clinics, Chicago (21) The chancellor at Chicago recommends contracting with Metis Associates, Inc., in support of the ambulatory care facilities planning effort. Metis has previously supported the planning of new and remodeled facilities and is best fit to extend their earlier work. The contract would be effective April 15, 1994, through October 15, 1994. The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Health Services is currently in the process of finalizing plans (both facility and financing) necessary to remodel, renovate, and construct clinical patient care facilities. An Ambulatory Care Facilities Planning Task Force including physicians and representatives from the central administration, vice chancellor for academic affairs office, vice chancellor for health services office, and the hospital has been formed. Under the contract, Metis will support the Task Force's efforts by: (1) reviewing the model previously developed and determining the sensitivity to actual clinical volumes since that time; (2) reexamining facility alternatives including traffic flow and parking access; (3) estimating approximate costs for the project; and (4) updating the lease rate model for cost allocation to individual clinics/ departments. Total cost of the contract is not to exceed $119,520. Funds are available in the Hospital Income Fund. The vice president for business and finance concurs. I recommend approval. On motion of Ms. Reese, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Boyle, Dr. Gindorf, Mr. Grabowski, Mrs. Gravenhorst, Mr. Lamont, Ms. Lopez, Ms. Reese; no, none; absent, Dr. Bacon, Mrs. Calder, Governor Edgar. (The student advisory vote was: Aye, Ms. HufF; absent, Mr. Riley.) Contract for Graphic Design, Chicago (22) The chancellor at Chicago has recommended an amendment and extension to the contract with Okrent Associates, Inc., Chicago, to increase the contract amount to $75,000 and to extend it to December 31, 1994. Okrent Associates, Inc., is a public relations firm specializing in graphic design applicable to land development planning. The University has utilized Okrent Associates, Inc., to prepare informational materials for the University's south campus project. Okrent Associates, Inc., continues to develop display materials and brochures for the south campus project. The University initially believed that the work needed could be easily accomplished within the $50,000 amount, but the demand for graphic materials is exceeding initial projections, particularly as the business assistance needs of the City of Chicago and UIC are developing. Funds for this agreement are available from institutional funds. The vice president for business and finance concurs. I recommend approval. On motion of Ms. Reese, this recommendation was approved by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Boyle, Dr. Gindorf, Mr. Grabowski, Mrs.
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