Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1994] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 461 screening prospects for this position. He noted that an academic search firm had been appointed to assist the committee in their work and that this was proving quite useful. He also gave the board an estimated timetable for completion of the committee's work. He said that he hoped the committee would report to President Ikenberry sometime in May. The board members discussed various aspects of the search process with Mr. Wedgeworth and President Ikenberry made comments about his initial charge to this committee. Salary, President of University At this time, President Ikenberry departed. Drs. Bazzani and Thompson remained with the board members. At the request of Chair Boyle, Dr. Bazzani presented information comparing salary and benefits of the president of the University with presidents at comparable institutions, in particular, the public members of the Big Ten. (These are data obtained confidentially by agreement among the institutions.) Dr. Bazzani reported that the salary of the president of the University of Illinois has fallen substantially behind the others. The trustees made clear the fact that they wanted to adjust the president's salary to help correct the disparity between the usually desired third place in the Big Ten and the current salary paid the president, particularly since they had such great appreciation for the president's leadership. By consensus, the board directed that the president's salary be increased to $189,000. EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNED There being no further business, the executive session was adjourned. The chair announced that the board would reconvene at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, March 11. BOARD MEETING, FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1994 When the board reconvened at 8:30 a.m., the members of the board,1 officers of the board, and officers of the University as recorded at the beginning of these minutes were present with the addition of Ms. Reese. Mrs. Calder was absent. MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE ON STUDENT AFFAIRS Mr. Lamont, chair of the Committee on Student Affairs, announced that Mr. Patrick Riley would lead the presentation for this committee. Mr. Riley introduced several student colleagues who each presented a portion of a report on priorities identified by students at the Chicago campus as student needs. Discussion and commendation from board members followed. (A copy of the student report related to this presentation is on file with the secretary of the board.) Mr. Lamont then asked Chancellor Stukel for comment. Dr. Stukel 1 Dr. Bacon arrived at 9:30 a.m.