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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

434 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [January 14 approved a recommendation to delegate authority to the comptroller to award contracts to the lowest responsible bidder for both projects,1 provided the total of the bids received did not exceed $650,000. On December 1, 1993, bids were received and the following contracts were awarded. The award in each case is to the lowest responsible bidder on the basis of its base bid plus acceptance of the indicated alternates. Project One Glesco Electric, Inc., Urbana Base Bid Alt. #1 Alt. #2 Alt. #3 $203 15 7 65 052 548 879 524 $292 003 Project Two Coleman Electrical Service, Inc., Mansfield Base Bid Alt. #1 Alt. #2 213 603 16 824 21 771 252 198 $544 201 Total Funds for the project are available in the State appropriated funds budget of the Operation and Maintenance Division at the Urbana campus. Schedules of the bids received and descriptions of the alternates have been filed with the secretary of the board for record. This report was received for record. President's Report on Actions of the Senate Revision of the Undergraduate Curriculum in General Engineering, College of Engineering, Urbana (32) The Urbana-Champaign Senate has approved a proposal to revise the undergraduate curriculum in General Engineering. The proposed revisions are intended to keep the curriculum compatible with the needs of industry, private practice, and government. The revised program balances the emphasis on mechanics and structures, control systems, and decision-making while maintaining the focus on engineering design. Presently, intensive study is available only in the mechanics and structures stem while the students take just one course in dynamics and control and one course in decision-making. The new curriculum adds two second-level courses, one in dynamics and control and one in decision-making. The third course in the mechanics and structures stem is dropped as a four-hour required course. A three-hour design elective is substituted for the three-hour technical elective. The new required courses and the design-elective requirement will provide a bridge to the department's graduate program and will also provide the opportunity for students to develop one of the three stems (mechanics and structures, dynamics and control, or decision-making) in depth, which will then provide the impetus to develop advanced-level courses in carefully selected areas. No additional staff or campus funding is needed or requested for implementation of the changes in the program. 1 One project for four buildings was designed by the architectural/engineering firm of Henneman, Raufeisen and Associates, Inc., Champaign; the other project for the remaining six buildings was designed by the architectural/engineering firm of S 8c R Engineering, Inc., Champaign.
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