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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
392 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 12 (1) Nonacademic Employees. Sick leave with full pay is granted in the amounts and in accordance with eligibility criteria set forth in the Policy and Rules — Nonacademic for those employees subject to the act creating the State Universities Civil Service System. (2) Academic or Administrative Staff. Academic and administrative staff members (with the exception of medical residents and postdoctoral research associates) who are participants in the State Universities Retirement System or the Federal Retirement System, and who are appointed for at least 50 percent time to a position for which service is expected to be rendered for at least nine consecutive months, earn sick leave as provided in this subparagraph (2). Medical residents, postdoctoral research associates, SURS annuitants and other academic and administrative staff members who are not participants in the State Universities or Federal Retirement Systems, and those who are appointed for less than 50 percent time and/or for less than nine consecutive months earn sick leave of 13 work days for each appointment year, no part of which will be cumulative, and the 13 days will be prorated for those on part-time appointments, or on appointments for less than a full appointment year. Under the Public Act 83-976 and actions of the Board of Trustees one-half of the number of days of unused sick leave which is earned and accumulated on or after January 1, 1984, is eligible for payment upon an employee's death, retirement, resignation, or other termination of employment. Academic or administrative staff members who, on December 31, 1983, had an unused balance of accumulated sick leave, will retain the same to a maximum of 180 work days, which may be utilized either (1) for establishing service credit in the State Universities Retirement System; or (2) for sick leave after all sick leave earned and accumulated on or after January 1, 1984, has first been utilized by the staff member. Unused sick leave earned by an academic or administrative staff member on or after January 1, 1984, may be accumulated up to a maximum of 240 work days, and upon termination of employment, a staff member may designate the portion of the accumulation (up to one-half) to be paid pursuant to Public Act 83-976 and the remainder thereof will be utilized for establishing service credit in the State Universities Retirement System. Post-January 1, 1984, accumulations of sick leave must be utilized in full prior to the utilization of pre-January 1, 1984, accumulations. Sick leave for academic and administrative staff members for the 1983-84 appointment year is determined under Interim Guidelines adopted by the Board of Trustees on January 19, 1984. Effective with the 1984-85 appointment year, academic and administrative staff members who are participants (except for medical residents, postdoctoral research associates, and annuitants in SURS or the Federal Retirement System) in the State Universities Retirement System or Federal Retirement System, and who are appointed for at least 50 percent time to a position for which service is expected to be rendered for at least nine consecutive months, will earn sick leave of 12 work days for each appointment year, the unused portion of which shall accumulate to a maximum of 240 work days. If these 12 days are fully utilized in any appointment year, up to 13 additional work days will be available for extended sick leave in that appointment year, no part of which 13 days shall be cumulative or eligible for payment under Public Act 83-976. No additional sick leave is earned for a summer appointment. In the case of an appointment for less than a full appointment year, and in the case of a part-time appointment, the 12 days cumulative and the 13 days noncumulative leave shall be prorated. In the event the 25 days of earned and extended sick leave described above, or any proration thereof, are exhausted in an appointment year, any balance of leave accumulated after January 1, 1984, will be available for use. After that amount is completely depleted, any balance of sick leave accumulated prior to January 1, 1984, will be used. No deduction of time from sick leave is made at a time when a staff member is not expected to furnish regular service to the University. Sick leave may be used for
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