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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1993] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 391 graduate students in the Clinical Psychology program receive a Ph.D. in Psychology instead of a Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) degree. Admission of Psy.D. candidates ceased in 1980; and, in recent years, no Doctor of Psychology degrees have been conferred. The chancellor at Urbana and the vice president for academic affairs concur with the senate recommendation. I recommend approval. On motion of Dr. Bacon, this recommendation was approved. Discontinue the Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Urbana (10) The Urbana-Champaign Senate has recommended that the Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics, and the program leading to this degree certificate be discontinued. This degree certificate program involves work beyond the master's degree and was originally designed for students who planned to teach at the community college level in the State of Illinois. The certificate is no longer required by the State of Illinois in order to teach at a community college. Since there is no longer a requirement for this degree certificate there is no reason to retain it. The chancellor at Urbana and the vice president for academic affairs concur with the senate recommendation. I recommend approval. On motion of Dr. Bacon, this recommendation was approved. Proposed Amendment to The General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure (Article IV., Section 4., Retirement, Death, Survivor, Disability, and Sick Leave Benefits) (11) An amendment to the General Rules is proposed in order to make the General Rules consistent with the Federally mandated family and medical leave policy that became effective on August 5, 1993. The new wording expands the use of sick leave to include the care of a parent or members of the household. It also explicitly states that sick leave may be used following the birth or adoption of a child. This amendment has been endorsed by the University Senates Conference. The vice president for academic affairs recommends this change. I concur. (Additions are underlined; deletions are interlineated.) ARTICLE IV. EMPLOYMENT POLICIES RETIREMENT, DEATH, SURVIVOR, DISABILITY, AND SICK LEAVE BENEFITS University policy provides for sick leave with the payment of salary in case of illness or other disability for specified periods as described below. In addition to the benefits provided by the University, a system of retirement, death, survivor, and disability benefits is established by law creating the State Universities Retirement System of Illinois, a state agency separate and distinct from the University of Illinois. (a) Participation in State Universities Retirement System. With certain exceptions, University employees are required to participate in the State Universities Retirement System. (b) Sick Leave Benefits. The University of Illinois provides sick leave benefits as follows: SECTION 4.
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