Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1993] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 339 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign*** Lower Division Upper Division Graduate Law Veterinary Medicine Note: FY $2 2 3 4 5 1994 486 746 126 166 550 Increase $274 154 174 654 600 FY $2 2 3 4 6 1995 760 900 300 820 150 * Comparable increases for part time and nonresident students are proposed consistent with existing policies. ** Engineering students will pay an additinal $400. *** Engineering, chemistry, ana life science students will pay an additional $500; students in fine and applied arts will pay an additional $200 at the lower division and $400 at the upper division. Table 3 FY 1995 University Capital Priority List (Dollars in Thousands) Priority 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Note: Campus Chicago Project Title South Campus Development^ University Repair and Renovation(b) Urbana Campus Flood Control Utilities Infrastructure Urbana Upgrade Agriculture Library(() Urbana University SURS Acquisition Chicago AAUP Remodeling/ Addition Urbana Freer Hall Remodeling Chicago College of Medicine West Remodeling English Building Urbana Remodeling, Ph.IV Chicago Chemistry Building Urbana Library Seventh Stack Addition Incinerator Urbana East Campus Entry Chicago Improvements (a) Category Land, Site, Bldg. Remd. Site Utilities Build. Build. Remd./ Bldg. Remd. Remd. Remd. Plan. Build. Build. Site Budget Total Cumulative $19,700.0 7 922.0 6 880.0 2 900.0 7 000.0 1 379.0 22 652.0 5 750.0 10 000.0 4 685.0 1 674.0 19 700.0 2 970.0 3 710.0 $19 700.0 27 622.0 34 502.0 37 402.0 44 402.0 45 781.0 68 433.0 74 183.0 84 183.0 88 868.0 90 542.0 110 242.0 113 212.0 116 922.0 Includes $6.9 million for land purchase, $2.1 million for utility and site work, $7.7 million for a Public Safety and Transportation Building, and $3.0 million for recreational fields. (h) Includes $3,565 million for Chicago and $4,357 million for Urbana-Champaign. (() T h e total project cost is $14.0 million which includes matching gift funds of $7.0 million. Academic Personnel Budget, Fiscal Year 1993-94 (2) In June 1993, the Board of Trustees approved the continuation of the FY 1993 budget into FY 1994 until such time as the University appropriation process was completed and could be translated into detailed budget recommendations. Due to the delay in final action on the appropriation, such recommendations could not be completed for presentation at this meeting of the board. However, recommendations