Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

336 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES APPROVED [September 10 The secretary presented for approval the press proofs of the minutes of the Board of Trustees meetings of May 14 and June 10-11, 1993, copies of which had previously been sent to the board. On motion of Dr. Bacon, these minutes were approved, with agreement that the minutes of May 14, 1993, would be amended to include mention of Coach Louis Henson's visit to the board at that meeting and the presentation to him of the resolution approved by the board at the meeting of March 25-26, 1993. Also, in the minutes of June 1011, the presenter of the board's resolution to Dr. Morton W. Weir will be noted as Mrs. Gravenhorst, not Mr. Grabowski. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY President Ikenberry recognized and introduced observers from the campus senates and from the University Senates Conference.1 Comments on Structure and Function of University Senates Conference President Ikenberry turned to Professor Irving F. Miller, chair, University Senates Conference, and asked him to report to the members of the board on the membership and activities of the University Senates Conference. Professor Miller reviewed the membership and the purposes of the several committees of the Senates Conference. (Materials distributed during this presentation are filed with the secretary of the board.) Professor Miller noted for the board that a current major activity of the University Senates Conference is a review of the University Statutes, particularly those sections that deal with the conditions of faculty employment. OLD BUSINESS I. Mrs. Gravenhorst reminded the board of upcoming meetings in St. Louis, November 1-3, 1993, sponsored by the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB). II. Ms. Reese informed the board that her motion made and passed at the July board meeting involving rescheduling the July 1994 meeting from July 7-8 in Springfield to July 14-15 in Springfield would not be feasible now, due to a shortage of hotel rooms in Springfield. 1 University Senates Conference: Tawfik Y. Sabet, professor of oral biology, College of Dentistry, Chicago campus; Urbana-Champaign Senate Council: Kenneth E. Andersen, professor of speech communication; Chicago campus Senate: Gene W. Ruoff, professor of English and director, Institute for the Humanities.