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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

202 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 26 last leave on salary, is eligible to apply for and may be granted a sabbatical leave of absence with pay for the purpose of study, research, or other pursuit, the object of which is to increase the faculty member's usefulness to the University. T h e following options are available: (1) After completion of eight appointment years of full-time service: Quarter System Three quarters at Vs 9alary or Two quarters at full salary Semester System Two semesters at 2A salary or One semester at full salary (2) After completion of six appointment years of full-time service: Quarter 8y9tcm Three quarters at Vi salary or Two quarters at % salary Semester System Two semesters at Vt salary or One semester at full salary (3) After completion of three or four appointment years of full-time service, in cases where the interest of the department and the University would clearly be served thereby, and provided that granting of leave does not involve expense to the University in excess of the portion of salary which is released in consequence of taking such leave, the following options are available: Qttartcr System Two quarters at % salary ©r Semester System After three years^ One semester at V* salary One quarter at % salary Two quarters at Vi salary or One quarter at full salary (4) Faculty on " Y " (11 month) appointments may be granted sabbatical leaves, subject to the other, general conditions of this section, as follows: After completion of nine years of full-time service, three-fourths of an appointment year at full pay; after completion of eight years of full-time service, one appointment year at twothirds pay or two-thirds of an appointment year at full pay; after completion of six years of full-time service, one appointment year at half pay or one-half appointment year at full pay; after completion of four years, one-half appointment year at twothirds pay; after completion of three years, one-half appointment year at half pay or one-fourth appointment year at full pay. (Example of Proposed Gender-Neutral Changes Additions are underlined; deletions are interlineated.) ARTICLE I. UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION Section 2. T h e President of the University T h e President is the chief officer of the University and a member of the faculty of each college, school, institute, division and academic unit therein. T h e President shall be elected by the Board of Trustees and the President's k » term of office shall be at the pleasure of the Board. T h e President shall attend the meetings of the Board and participate in its deliberations; may act with freedom within the lines of After four years^ One semester at 2/s salary
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