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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

180 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 12 authorized by the following vote: Aye, Dr. Bacon, Mr. Boyle, Mrs. Calder, Dr. Gindorf, Mr. Grabowski, Mr. Lamont, Ms. Lopez, Ms. Reese; no, none; absent, Governor Edgar, Mrs. Gravenhorst. (Ms. Reese asked to be recorded as not voting on purchase item no. 7.) (The student advisory vote was: Aye, Mr. Begovich, Mr. Lawless; no, none.) Contract, New Flooring Installation, Intramural-Physical Education Building, Urbana (Report of President's Action) (19) On Tuesday, January 12, 1993, bids were received for the new wood floor project in the Intramural-Physical Education Building at the Urbana campus. The work consists of the installation of a new maple gymnasium flooring using lock-down type fasteners over existing Tartan flooring in Room 130. It was necessary for the renovation work to be completed to meet scheduling needs of the Division of Campus Recreation. These needs are a result of losing access to Huff Hall Room 302, where most sports clubs, including martial arts, had workout and performance space. In order that the project proceed without delay, it was essential that the work be done immediately. Accordingly, the president authorized the award of a construction contract to Engle, Inc., Jackson, Mississippi, in the amount of $52,020. The award was to the lowest responsible bidder on its base bid plus acceptance of Alternate # 1 . In accordance with the General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure, the president reports his action. Funds for this contract are available from the Fiscal Year 1993 Auxiliary Facilities System Repair and Replacement Reserve Account. A schedule of the bids received and a description of the alternate have been filed with the secretary of the board for record. This report was received for record. President's Report on Actions of the Senate Revision of the Baccalaureate Program in Agricultural Education, College of Agriculture, Urbana (20) The Urbana-Champaign Senate has approved a revision of the baccalaureate program in agricultural education in which the current five options (agricultural production, agricultural supply and products, agricultural mechanization, horticulture, agricultural resources and forestry) are reduced to three: (1) science and management, (2) horticulture and natural resources, and (3) agricultural mechanization. The total hours required for graduation remains at 130. All students will be eligible for dual teacher certification in agriculture and general science. The professional education course requirements have been revised to reflect changes in agricultural education. Agricultural education programs in the public schools have changed over the last five years, becoming much more science and business oriented. As a result, teacher candidates must possess a stronger background in these areas, which is ensured by this program revision. Major changes include lengthening the student teaching internship from 8 to 12 weeks, expanding the teaching methods course, and adding a senior seminar. While the total number of courses in agriculture and agricultural education remains the same, specific courses within the total package are changed. There should be no increase in faculty load or program costs for implementing the revised set of agricultural education course requirements. This report was received for record.
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