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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1993] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 161 litigation, the acquisition of real property, to discuss campus security, and to receive legal advice from counsel." The motion was made by Dr. Gindorf and approved unanimously. Report on Risk Management, University Hospital and Clinics Dr. Henri R. Manasse, Jr., interim vice chancellor for health services, and Mr. Byron H. Higgins, university counsel, assisted by a representative from St. Paul Insurance, participated in the presentation of management of claims against the University Hospital and Clinics. Mr. Higgins defined claims management and differentiated this from quality assurance. He, assisted by Dr. William Troyer, chief of staff, University Hospital, presented a recent case for which the University had settled. Following this, a representative from St. Paul Insurance presented the elements of a quality assurance and improvement program at the University Hospital and gave commendation to those involved, citing this program as a model for health centers. The board recessed at 4:40 p.m. to reconvene in executive session at 8:30 a.m., Friday, February 12, 1993. BOARD MEETING, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1993 EXECUTIVE SESSION RECONVENED When the board reconvened in executive session at 8:40 a.m., the following members of the board were present: Dr. Gloria Jackson Bacon, Mr. Kenneth R. Boyle,1 Mrs. Judith Ann Calder, Dr. Jeffrey Gindorf, Mr. Donald W. Grabowskiy Mr. Thomas R. Lamont, Ms. Ada N. Lopez, Ms. Judith R. Reese. The following members of the board were absent: Governor Jim Edgar, Mrs. Susan L. Gravenhorst. The following nonvoting student trustees were present: Mr. Mark B. Begovich, UrbanaChampaign campus; Mr. Craig M. Lawless,2 Chicago campus. Also present were President Stanley O. Ikenberry; Dr. Robert W. Resek, vice president for academic affairs; Dr. James J. Stukel, chancellor, University of Illinois at Chicago; Dr. Morton W. Weir, chancellor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; and the officers of the board, Dr. Craig S. Bazzani, comptroller (and vice president for business and finance); Mr. Byron H. Higgins, university counsel; and Dr. Michele M. Thompson, secretary. In addition, the following persons were also in attendance: Mr. Donald K. Coe, director, University Office of Public Affairs; Mr. Kirk Hard, executive assistant to the president of the University; and Mr. R. C. Wicklund, associate secretary. Settlement Mr. Higgins advised the board that he had settled the Flowers case. The court, following trial, entered judgment for $600,000. The Uni1 2 Mr. Boyle joined the meeting at 10:40 a.m. Mr. Lawless joined the meeting at 10:50 a.m.
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