UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 [PAGE 869]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918
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Stein, Bertha M., degree, 818 Stein, E d n a M., appointment, 680 Steinhoff, F . L., degree, 355 Steitz, Alfred, appointment, 25 Stelter, Clara E., appointment, 680, 775 Stenographers' salaries, 753 Stephens, Ethel Gertrude, degree, 351 honors, 371 Phi Beta Kappa prize, 373 Stephens, Mary E., appointment, 168, 467, 573 Stephenson, B . R., appointment, 487, 763 degree, 365 Stephenson, R . E., degree, 366 Stereopticon slides for war work, 753 Stevens, F . L., appointment, 30, 473 gift of fungi, 174 letter, short course, 175 Stevens, J. G., 480, appointment, 38, 761 communication, 6u Stevens, R. W., degree, 359 Stevens, V. T., degree, 361 Stevens, W . M., degree, 359 final honors, 372 Stevenson, Ailsie M., degree, 360 final honors, 372 Stevenson, Dorothy, degree, 360 Stevenson, E . ' H . , degree, 822 Stevenson, J. A., appointment, 33, 278, 394, 476, 761,775 degree, 829 Stevenson, James, degree, 362 Stewart, C. L., appointment, 39, 278, 482, 759, 760 Stewart, C. R., degree, 359 Stewart, Frank, degree, 352 Stewart, F . S., degree, 359 Steward, Lola N . , appointment, 680 Stewart, Robert, appointment, 46, 277, 489 Stewart, R. M., degree, 825 Stickney, F . S., degree, 827 fellowship, 766 Stiff, Ethel, degree, 817 Still, P . C , degree, 363 Stillerman, J. H., degree, 824 Stillwell, Genevieve M., degree, 823 Stillwell, Helen, degree, 817 Stipp, Maude, appointment, 25, 467, 573 Stiritz, B. A., degree, 822 Stitt, R. E., appointment, 573 Stola, J., degree, 822 Stolfa, L., appointment, 775 Stoltey, B. F., degree, 817 Stoltey, Ethel L., degree, 818 St. John, J. L., 491 Stock, H . H . , 486 Stockdale, T . E., degree, 356 final honors, 372 Stoddard, G. W., degree, 355 Stoek, H . H., appointment, 43 Stolfa, Ladislaw, appointment, 168 Stone, C. A., degree, 355 Stone, F . L., appointment, 120, 516 Stone, H . K., 480, appointment, 37 Stone, T . T., degree, 824 Stoolman, A. W. contract, music building, 407 final settlement, Ceramics Building, 3 Stopp, G. D., appointment, 34, 477, 629, 775 Stopp, H . D., appointment, 168 St. Patrick's day prize, 832 Storer, Esther S., degree, 817 Storerooms, 499, truck for, 528 Stores system, 260 Story, R. M., appointment, 37, 479 Stouffer, E . L., architects medal, 832 degree, 819 Stout, J. E., appointment, 681 Stoutzenberg, Florence T. ? degree, 360


Stowell, C. J., degree, 369 Straight, A. W., appointment, 288 Stratton, Grace B., degree, 352 .&§ Straub, E . J., degree, 820 M l j g j t Straub, W . F., degree, 818 ^ p t l l ! final honors, 832 .^S'^tM special honors, 831 p H ; ^ | g ^ j Strauch, D . J., degree, 540 Strauch, F . P., appointment, 168 Strauch, H . H., appointment, 110 Stringer, J . K., degree, 354 Stromberg, W. B., appointment, 733 degree, 824 Strong, T. K., degree, 359 Strong, J. W., degree, 819 Strong, T . J., degree, 355 Strouse, Solomon, appointment, 119 Stubbs, J. W., degree, 824 Stubenrauch, E . A., degree, 819 Students estimate of number, 420 funds, 262 handbook, 13, appropriation, 456 physical examination of, 714 registration of, November 1, 1916, 138 typhoid immunization, 198 Students' welfare committee, 424 report, 293 Students withdrawn for war, 336 Studies, 1917-18, appropriation, 464 University, 23 Suer, W . J., appointment, 32 Sulger, A. H., degree, 822 Summary of expenditures, 1916-17, 10 Summer camp in surveying, 203 Summer session appointments, 1917, 277, 337 appropriation foi, 189 director, 188 expense, 23, 1918, 466 1916, report of fees, 207 salaries, 23, 759 Sun, E . L., degree, 540 Sunday, use of buildings on, 630 Supervising Architect's office, salaries, 56, 499, 637 Suppes, Elsie M., degree, 817 Surveying, summer camp, 203 Sutch, A. K., degree, 362 Sutcliffe, Constance, degree, 540 Sutcliffe, Dorothy, degree, 365 Sutcliffe, E . G., appointment, 34, 168, 399 degree, 829 Sutcliffe, E . J., appointment, 477 Sutherland, Sara A., 496 Sutter, Rose I., appointment, 120 Swain, D . T., commission, 373 degree, 354 Swanberg, Marion G., degree, 818 Swanberg, E. D., degree, 820 Swartz, Fay W., degree, 360 Swatek, E. P., appointment, 116 Swearingen, Daisy, appointment, 24, 466 Swearingen, H a r r y , salary of, 106 wages, 3 Sweeney, A. F., appointment, 629, 679, 775 Sweeney, F . D., appointment, 621 Swenson, C. E., degree, 357 Swertson, Florence L , C. P . A. certificate, 765 Swift, Gertrude L., degree, 818 Swift, Lola E., appointment, 38 degree, 366 Swigart, Faith G., degree, 352 Swigert, Blanche B., degree, 649, 830 Swinney, E . E , appointment, 168, 280, 498, 762 Sykes, Gertrude H., scholarship, 284 Sykes, N . M., degree, 362 Sylvester, Grace D. ? degree, 817