UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 1418]

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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Bond, Ethel, appointment, 58, 60, 251, . 807, 927. Bond, J. D., degree, 309. Bonds, Physicians and Surgeons, discontinuance of income tax on, 235. Bond for military supplies approved, 137. Bond, treasurer's, 219, 232. approved, 235. Bonney, T. C, degree, 956. Bookemohle, C. L. A., degree, 953. Books, order authorized, 236. purchase of, 811. Boomsliter, G. P., appointment, 53, 801. degree, 80. Boone, G. I., degree, 77. Boonstra, S. P., degree, 75. Booth, H. T., appointment, 893, 950. degree, 958. scholarship, 249. Booze, M. C, degree, 305. Borden, Raymond, appointment, 797. Borgelt, Clara M. E., degree, 303. Borger, R. L., appointment, 50, 797. Borremeo, C. O., degree, 306. Bortz, L. W., degree, 308. Borucki, E. A. F., degree, 936. Bosch, A. C, degree, 83. Bose, K. K., degree, 76. Bostick, E. J., degree, 956. Boswell, H. C, appointment, 944. Botany department, budget, 47, 794. expenditure, 212, 787. greenhouse, 210. investigation, Burrill, 213. laboratory fees, 40. Summer Session appointments, 249. Boughton, T. H., appointment, 132, 832, 841. Bourbon, R. B., degree, 956. Bow, L. C, commission, 312. degree, 305. Row, W. E., degree, 75. Bowell, R. M., degree, 956. Bowen, Evalena, appointment, 804. Bowers, H. E., degree, 82. Bowling, B. L., appointment, 52, 799. Bowlus, Hazel W., degree, 303. Boye, W. F., degree, 951. Boyer, C. V., appointment, 49, 250, 795, 892. Boyep, W. H., appointment, 793. degree, 76. Boyd, C. N., degree, 78. Boyd, Emma, appointment, 869. Boyle, Clarence, Jr., degree, 959. Brachvogel, M. H.? degree, 82. Bradbury. C. E., appointment, 47, 793. Bradley, H. S., degree, 305. Bradley, J. T., degree, 952. Bradley, M. J., appointment, 795. Brady, G. K., degree, 951. scholarship. 943. Brady, St. Elmo, appointment, 248. degree, 78, 959. Braham, J. M., appointment, 794. degree, 310. Brain, O. G., Hazelton Gold Medal, 312. Braley, S. A., appointment, 48, 204, 794. degree, 310. fellowship, 943. Bramwell. C. H.. 944. Branch, Nellie U., appointment, 59, 808, 841. degree, 955. Brancher, W. B., degree, 78. Brand, R. E., appointment, 56. Brandon, A. R., degree, 80. Brandner, A. R., awarded Plym fellowship, 245, 312. degree, 951. Brandner, E. G., degree. 951. Brandon, J. F.. degree, 954. Brandstetter, J. M., degree, 76. final honors, 81.

Bianco, M. R., degree, 242. Bicknell, F. H., degree, 77, Bids on new buildings, 299. Biegler, P. S., appointment, 52, 799. Biennial report, printing of, 931. Bigger, W. R., appointment, 249. Bigler, H. E., degree, 304. Billings, Frank, letter to President James, 872. Billman, Elliott, degree, 955. Bilhorn, W. E., degree, 76. Binding department, library, budget, 808. Binding, L. R., appointment, 55. Bingham, A. B., degree, 306. Bird preserve, request for, 163. Birk, J. W., appointment, 129, 840. Bishop, Jessie E., degree, 955. final hours, 960. Bishop, M. C, appointment, 102. Bissell, D. W., appointment, 48, 794. degree, 958. Bissell, G. F., degree, 305. Bivings, F. C , degree, 956. Bixby, Madeline, appointment, 915. Black, J. E., degree, 76. Blackburn, F. J., appointment, 841. degree, 77. . final honors, 81. Blackwelder, Eliot, appointment, 8(>6, 918. Blackwell, John, appointment, 830. Blackwell, Mary, appointment, 59, 808. Blaine, L. L., degree* 956. Blair, F. G., Instruction Committee, chairman, 248. Blair, J. C, appointment, 56, 805. Blair, M. -I., degree, 956. Blaisdell, Daisy L., appointment, 50, 796. Blake, G. W., degree, 305. Blaney, H. W., appointment, 132. Blatt, M. L., appointment, 128, 839. Blayney, L., degree, 79. Bleininger, A. V., appointment, 836. Bles, V. A., appointment, 869. Bluel, Marie T., degree, 952. Blim, W. C , degree, 956. Block, E. S., degree, 954. Blodgett, P. R., degree, 308. Blodgett, P. R„ degree, 956. Blondheim, D. S., appointment, 51, 797. Bloomfield, Leonard, appointment, 50, 796, 892. Blough, E. B., degree, 76. Blueprinting and photography, expenditure, 211, 787. salary budget, 50, 793. sales income, 211, 785. Blum, N. W., degree, 83. Blum, W. J., degree, 76. B'nai B'rith fund, additional gift to, 203. appropriation, 98. prize, awarded, 82, 312, 960. Boards, advisory, 9. Bode, B. H., appointment, 50, 797. Bodfish, Elizabeth, scholarship, 944. Boehm, F. E., degree, 242. Boelio, L., appointment, 132, 841, 831. Boettinger, L. A., degree, 74. Boice, L. A., appointment, 792. Boiler feed pump, bids, 64. Boiler house equipment, bids, 63. Boilers, repair, 285. Bogard, A. H., degree, 936. Bogart, E. L.. anpointment, 51, 250, 798. Boggess. Edith E., degree, 307. Boggs, H. F., degree, 952. Bolan, Ann, appointment, 834. Bolan, A. R., appointment. 103. Bolander. H. B., degree, 76. Bole, S. J., appointment, 57. Bole. S. J., appointment, 249, 805. Bolinger, E. F., degree, 953. Bolka, B. J., degree, 956. Bollman, Minnie J., appointment, 59, 856. degree, 307.