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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

602 U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S . [July 1 F I N A N C I A L STATEMENT OF T H E UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FOR. T H E TWELVE M O N T H S ENDING J U N E 30, 1912. RECEIPTS JULY 1, 1911 TO JUNE 30, 1912. Balance June 30,1911 T Interest on endowment fund and land contracts Fees from students Miscellaneous United States Agricultural Experiment Station State Agricultural Experiment Station State Agricultural College and Experiment Station receipts. Other State appropriationsOperating expenses Special purposes. School of Pharmacy College of Medicine. United States government S 32,464 32 126,683 00 20,119 23 141 79 78,000 00 71,034 39 575,000 1.207,400 16,684 97,746 79,938 00 00 21 84 04 EXPENDITURES JULY 1, 1911 TO JUNE 30, 1912. Salaries for instruction Salaries for services Departmental appropriations. Labor . Miscellaneous. State appropriations, not including salaries Agricultural College and Experiment Station receipts. School of Pharmacy College of Medicine Federal appropriations Balance June 30,1912. $824,698 75,760 69,354 60,000 49,410 652,123 63,642 12,116 104,252 80,263 00 00 85 00 89 20 24 74 48 36
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