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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1912] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 591 1913, a n d to twenty-one years in September, 1914. T h a t young women to be eligible as candidates for admission as special s t u d e n t s in household science m u s t be eighteen years of age. This m i n i m u m age will be advanced to t w e n t y y e a r s in September, 1913, a n d to twenty-one years in September, 1914. However, it is strongly recommended t h a t all young people w i s h i n g t o gain these scholarships complete, in high schools a t home or in their vicinity, before coming to .the University, t h e i r p r e p a r a t i o n for. t h e freshman 4 class. ' AUTHORITY TO CONFER DEGREES. (5) A recommendation t h a t t h e president of t h e University be a u t h o r ized to confer degrees at t h e coming commencement upon t h e persons d u l y ' recommended for such degrees by t h e University Faculty. On motion of Mr. Hatch, such authority to confer degrees was given. EEPORTS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. In this connection the secretary presented the following reports of two meetings of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, held respectively in Urbana on April 20, 1912, and in Chicago on May 25, 1912: URBANA, A p r i l 20, 1912. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: Your Executive Committee held a meeting at the University on t h i s date. T h e r e were present Messrs. Abbott, Grout a n d Hatch, m e m b e r s of t h e committee, a n d Mrs. Busey a n d Mr. Hoit, m e m b e r s of t h e board. • GRADUATES I N PHARMACY. The committee authorized t h e p r e s i d e n t of t h e University to confer t h e degree of G r a d u a t e in P h a r m a c y upon the following persons recommended by t h e faculty of t h e School of P h a r m a c y for t h e said degree: J o h n Elon Bixby, Chicago. Grover Cleveland Bond, Mt. Vernon. Louis A r t h u r Bossman, Horicon, Wis. J o h n Carvelli, Chicago. J o h n August Dorjahn, Blue Island. Angelo Maria F e r r e r , Ponce, P o r t o Rico. J a m e s H o w a r d F i n n i g a n , Springfield. Jesse H a r o l d Gallaway, Chicago. Jacob Goldstein, Cairo, Egypt. Stephen S. Gorny, Chicago. Benjamin Carl Grosse, Elgin. Roy William Harrell, N o r r i s City. Michael George Kasprzyk, Chicago. A r t h u r Milne Kidd, Jr., Morrison. Joseph Krupicka, Chicago. F r a n k H e n r y L i n d e m a n , F a r m e r City. E r n e s t P r e s t o n Owen, Anna. Virgil F r e d e r i c k Siebert, Ashley. W i l l i a m J a m e s Stinson, Hinsdale. Robert H a r v e y Stocks, Chicago. W a l t e r Swiecinski, Chicago. J o h n Ludovic Valentino, Chicago. Joseph A. Warzyaski, - Chicago. H a y d n H e n r y Worley, Toulon. A r t h u r Theodore E n g l a n d (Class of '10), Escanaba, Mich.
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