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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

590 UNIVERSITY OE I L L I N O I S . [June 7 Cost of improvement per front foot $ 3 25 Total assessment to University of Illinois 5,752 50 Assessment to paid in ten annual installments. On motion of Mrs. Busey, it was voted t h a t the University should subscribe to this petition provided satisfactory provision be made for drainage; also that the University provide a sidewalk on the south side of University a v . f r o m Wright st. to Komine st. The vote was as follows : Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Bahrenburg, Mrs. Busey, Mrs*. Evans, Mr. Grout, Mr. Hatch, Mr. Moore; noes, none; absent, Mr. Anthony, Mr. Blair, Mr. Deneen, Mr. Meeker. WIDENING AND AND PAVING OF ORCHAND LANE. . (2) A petition from residents and owners of property in Orchard Lane, Champaign, that the University shall take such action as may be necessary to open to full width the half street extending along the northern border of the University grounds between Wright street and Fourth street in Champaign, now known as Orchard Lane but intended to be an extension of Davidson street; accompanied by a further petition to the board of local improvements in the city of Champaign for the paving of the said Orchard Lane, signed by the residents and owners of property, with a request that the University also sign the petition for this paving. On motion of Mrs. Bahrenburg, these petitions were referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for consideration and report. RESIGNATION OF PROFESSOR DEXTER. (3) The resignation of Dr. Edwin G. Dexter, who has been professor of Education for the past eight years, and has for the last five years been on leave of absence without pay while performing the duties of Commissioner of Education of San Juan. On motion of Mrs. Evans, Professor Dexter's resignation was accepted. SPECIAL STUDENTS IN THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. <4) A recommendation from the University Senate that special students shall be received in the College of Agriculture on the same basis as in the other colleges of the University, except that young men and women over nineteen years of age may be admitted in September, 1912; the age to be advanced to twenty years in September, 1913, and to twenty-one years in September, 1914. On motion of Mr. Hatch, it was voted t h a t young men and women over eighteen years of age may be admitted as special stu*dents in the College of Agriculture in, September, 1912; the age to be advanced to twenty }^ears in September, 1913, and to twenty-one years September, 1914; and also that paragraph No. 8-of the regulations governing the University scholarship in agriculture and household science shall be amended in accordance with the recommendations just approved to read as follows: .That candidates, if fully able to meet the requirements for admission to the freshman class as candidates for a degree, be eligible to appointment at sixteen years of .age; and that young men who cannot meet these entrance requirements be eligible to appointment as special students at eighteen years of age. This minimum age will be advanced to twenty years in September,
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