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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
574 UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S . [April 10 Meeting of April 10, 1912. A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of. ths University of Illinois was held at the Blackstone hotel, in the city of Chicago, at 12:30 p. m., on Wednesday, April 10, 1912, pursuant to the following notice which was sent out by the secretary on April 3, 1912: Upon the call sOf the president, Mr. W. L. Abbott, there will be a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois at the Blackstone hotel in Chicago on Wednesday, April 10, 1912, at 12:30 p. m., to consider such matters as the committees of the board and the president of the University may submit and such other business as may be duly presented. The following members of the board were present: Mr. Abbott, Mr. Anthony, Mrs. Bahrenburg, Mr. Grout, Mr. Hatch, Mr. Hoit, Mr.Moore. President J a m e s was present. The secretary presented the minutes of the annual meeting of March 12, 1912, and those of the adjourned session of March 19, 1912, which were approved. E E A P P O I N T M B N T OF STANDING C O M M I T T E E S . The secretary presented the following communication from President Abbott: CHICAGO, I I I . , April 8, 1912. Mr. G. M. McGonn, Secretary, University of Illinois, Urbana, III.: DEAR SIB—This is to advise you that the personnel of the standing committees of the board for the ensuing year will be the same as it was for last year. Very truly yours, W. L. ABBOTT. (For list of these committees, see page 107.) A P P O I N T M E N T S TO F I L L V A C A N C I E S . The secretary presented the following report of appointments made by the president of the University to fill vacancies in the budget passed on J u l y 8, 1 9 1 1 : Bollman, Minnie, temporary catalogue assistant in the Library on onefourth time, for the month beginning March 16, 1912, at a salary of fifteen dollars ($15.00) for the month (March 18, 1912). Love, Elizabeth, temporary catalogue assistant in the Library, on onefourth time, for the month beginning March 16, 1912, at a salary of fifteen dollars ($15.00) for the month (March 18, 1912). McMullen, Jennie B., stenographer in the office of the Water Survey, from March 8, 1912, until June 30, 1912, at a salary of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) a month (March 27, 1912). Peel, Thomas, laboratory helper in the Department of Chemistry, from March 7, 1912, until June 30, 1912, at a salary of fifty dollars ($50.00) a month.
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