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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
568 UNIVEESITY^ OF I L L I N O I S . [March 19 I n this connection the following report from the Executive Committee was received for record: CHICAGO, March 19, 1912. To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: Your Executive Committee held a meeting at the Blackstone hotel, in Chicago, on this date, all the members of the committee being present. It was voted to rescind its action taken on Dec. 12, 1911 (page 536), authorizing the Committee on Buildings and Grounds to let the contract for the Transportation building (i.e., for the entire building). Respectfully submitted, W. L. ABBOTT, A. P: GROUT, FRED L. HATCH, Executive C. M. MCCONN, Clerk. • Committee. On the recommendation of President James, i t was voted to approve the plan suggested by Dean Goss in the foregoing letter; and to authorize the Committee on Buildings and Grounds to let the contract for that portion of, the Transportation building which is to be located upon land already owned by the University, omitting for the present the construction of. t h a t portion which it has been planned to locate upon land yet to be acquired, and to approve such changes in the plans already approved by the trustees as may be involved. The vote was as follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Bahrenbur^, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Grout, Mr. Hatch, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Moore; noes, none; absent, Mr. Anthony, Mr. Deneen, Mr. Meeker. L E A S E OE AUGUSTUS F A R M . President James presented the following communication from Dr. Eugene Davenport, dean of the College of Agriculture: URBANA, March 8, 1912. President Edmund J. James, University of Illinois: MY DEAR MR. PRESIDENT—I transmit to you herewith a farm lease in duplicate for the thirteen acres of land just south of the University forestry, owned by H. C. Augustus, and upon which the University now has an option for its purchase. This option, I understand, is in the hands of Mr. Abbott, president of the Board of Trustees. It is understood that if the University purchases this land it will likely go to' the Department of Horticulture to assist that department in taking care of its work, which has been greatly interfered with by the transfer of that interest from the west to the east campus. In the meantime the Department of Horticulture wishes to utilize the land, and for that reason is anxious to lease the same until such time as the. University is likely to make the purchase. Of course, the rental will be paid in the meantime out of the funds appropriated to the Department of Horticulture. Since the Horticultural work commences in March, it is necessary to have this matter settled at the earliest possible moment in order to enable the department to go ahead with its work for the year, and also to satisfy Mr. Augustus, who is anxious to have the matter settled. Yours very truly, E. DAVENPORT. By the following vote the officers of the board were authorized to sign a lease with Mr. H . C. Augustus on the terms cited in Dean
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