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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
548 UNITEESITY OF I L L I N O I S . N A M E PROPOSED FOR T H E W O M A N ' S B U I L D I N G . [March 19 President Abbott, at this point, introduced Mrs. Emma. C. P i a t t Llewellyn, '77, and Mrs. Armetta Ayers Saunders, '84, who presented, on behalf of the University of Illinois Alumnae Association of Chicago, the suggestion t h a t the Woman's building about to be completed should be named "Louise Allen H a l l , " after Mrs. Louise Allen Gregory, the first teacher of domestic science, and the first dean of women (then called preceptress), at the University. On motion of Mr. Blair, the board expressed its thanks to the two ladies for presenting this suggestion, and voted to take the matter under consideration. E L E C T I O N OF O T H E R OFFICERS. Mr. C. M. McConn was elected secretary and registrar for the ensuing year. Mr. A. P . Grout and Mr. Fred L. H a t c h were elected to serve with the president of the board as members of the Executive Committee for the ensuing year. Professor S. W. Shattuck was elected comptroller for the ensuing year. Mr. 0 . E. Staples was elected chief clerk for the ensuing year. - B O N D OF T H E C H I E F CLERK. The bond of the chief clerk was fixed at $20,000.00, and an appropriation of not to exceed $100.00 to pay the cost of the same was made. The vote was as follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Bahrenburg, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Grout, Mr. Hatch, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Moore; noes, none; absent, Mr. Anthony, Mr. Deneen, Mr. Meeker. The Finance Committee was directed to secure a satisfactory bond, as specified above, and to report the same to the board for approval. E E P O R T OF T H E E X E C U T I V E C O M M I T T E E . The following reports from the Executive Committee were received for record: Jan. 19, 1912. Mr. €. M. McConn, Secretary, University of Illinois, Urbana, III.: DEAR SIR—A meeting of the Executive Committee of the board was held at the University on January 18, at which meeting were present Messrs. Hatch and Abbott. Vice-President Burrill was also present. PROFESSOR DANIELS APPOINTED ACTING DEAN. Dr. Burrill recommended that Professor Daniels be appointed acting dean of the College of Literature and Arts, to serve during the absence of Dean Greene. Upon motion the recommendation of the vice-president was concurred in; after which the committee adjourned. Yours truly, W. L. ABBOTT, i • , Chairman; FRED L. HATCH.
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