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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
544 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. P A P E R G—COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. September 30,1911.* Appropriated. Expended. [Dec. 12 Balance. Medical D e p a r t m e n t Advertising Apparatus and materials. Buildings and grounds... Dispensary. Fuel and light Furniture and fixtures... Incidentals Laboratories Laundry.'. Library*. Maternity hospital wards Museum . Salaries for services Stationery and printing.. Summer school salaries 1., Dental D e p a r t m e n t Advertising Fuel and light Furniture and fixtures... Incidentals Laboratories , Laundry Salaries for instruction... Stationery and printing.. Total * Statement for month of September only. PAPER $1,153 61 3 02 4,820 71 25 12 172 89 100 90 662 71 56 42 59 26 17 73 177 12 19 60 133 05 28 45 240 98 771 08 1 08 . 78 40 52 96 321 28 25 71 399 99 35 24 $9,357 31 £1,151 90 20 24 18 29 172 89 38 40 642 12 56 42 49 64 16 65 139 50 128 60 S. 1 71 .3 02 4,800 47 6 83 62 50 20 59 9 62 108 37 62 19 60 4 45 28 45 240 98 133 41 78 40 8 26 66'67 399 99 5 99 637 67 1 08 44 70 254 61 25 71 29 25 «>3,427 67 $5,929 64 I—APPROPRIATIONS. Rebates to students Registrar's office, labor and sundries. -.... . .. $2,000 00 2,000 00 PAPER L — R E C E I P T S AND REMITTANCES OF T H E C H I E F CLERK FOR T H E T H R E E M O N T H S E N D I N G S E P T . 30, 1911. Balance July 1,1911 Accountancy Agricultural College Applied mechanics Band instrument deposits Blue printing Botany Buildings and grounds Chemistry Crop experiment receipts Dairy investigation receipts Engineering building site , Feeding experiment receipts Hatch fund receipts Heat and light Household science Illinois Canners' Association Lockers. Philology, Journal of Snyder, Edward, fund, principal. Snyder, Edward, fund, interest... Soil examination receipts Soil extension special Special fees Summer session fees University fees University Studies. Water survey receipts "Woman's League Zoology ..: $13,858 I 3 50 |,598 44 33 50 95 00 754 64 60 .12 30 214 88 234 00 ,265 72 ,499 50 305- 50 5 60 412 75 215 00 ,000 00 ,350 50 80 10 ,831 25 111 54 521 13 500 00 ,082 00 452 50 1,003 50 88 249 48 114 00 25 28 80,973 09 $94,831 77
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