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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1911] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 515 Winchester, B. L., temporary tool- room attendant in the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, beginning Sept. 25, 1911, at a salary of forty-eight dollars ($48.00) a month! (Oct. 14, 1911.) ' Woodward, P. S., graduate assistant in Chemistry, for the academic year 1911-1912, at a salary of three hundred dollars ($300.00) for the year. (Sept. 21, 1911.) L A N D S FOR, AGRICULTURAL INVESTIGATION. The secretary presented a letter from President James, under date of Sept. -22, 1911, transmitting to the secretary, to be filed in the archives, a number of deeds and leases for land in several parts of the State, to be used for' agricultural investigation and demonstration; namely, a deed from the county of Jasper for thirty acres in the said county; a lease by Joseph H . Percival of twelve and one-tenth acres in Champaign county; a lease by W. E. Braden of eighteen acres in Perry county; a lease by George Postel of fourteen and one-half acres in St.. C l a i r county; a deed from E. E. B u r k h a r t and wife of fifteen acres in Saline county.; a deed from William J . Sharp and wife of twenty-five acres in Massac county; a deed from F r a n k C offman and wife for twenty acres in Ogle county, and a deed from the trustees of Ewing College for twenty acres in Franklin County. This letter, with the accompanying deeds and leases, was referred t o the Committee on Agriculture for consideration and report. E E P O R T OF M E E T I N G OF E X E C U T I V E C O M M I T T E E . President Abbott presented for record the following report of a meeting of the Executive Committee of the board, held in Chicago on the evening of Sept. 19, 1 9 1 1 : Oct. 31, 1911. Mr. G. M. McOonn, Secretary, Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, Uroana, Illinois: DEAR SIR—The Executive Committee of the Board held a meeting in Chicago on the evening of September 19. Present: Messrs. Hatch and Abbott; also, Doctors Steele, Quine. and Pusey. President James was also present. NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE COLLEGE GEONS. OF PHYSICIANS AND SUR- The purpose of the meeting was to negotiate with the representatives of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Corporation a lease of that corporation's property for the use of the Medical Department of the University during the current academic year. From the discussion which took place it appeared that because of the uncertainty which existed in regard to the appropriation for the support of the College of Medicine it was desirable to modify the action taken by the Executive Committee at its meeting on July 8th and recorded on page. 434 of the minutes of the board meeting, this modification to consist in making the lease terminate June 30, 1912, instead of Aug. 31, 1913, and to retain the wording of the original lease which is referred to in the secQnd and third paragraphs of the report of the Executive Committee meeting of July 8th, which is recorded on page 434 of the minutes of the board meeting. It was also decided to pay to the College of Physicians and Surgeons Corpora-
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