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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 [PAGE 558]

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[Oct. 31

Hansen, Paul, engineer for the State W a t e r Survey, from Nov. 1, 1911, to Sept. 1, 1912, with a salary at the r a t e of twenty-seven h u n d r e d fifty dollars ($2,750.00) a year. (Sept. 28, 1911.) Heater, Myrtle E., stenographer in t h e office of the dean of t h e College of E n g i n e e r i n g , beginning Oct. 1, 1911, u n t i l further notice, at a salary of fifty-five dollars ($55.00) a month. (Oct. 28, 1911.) Hill, Alva J., research assistant in Economics, for nine m o n t h s beginning Oct. 1, 1911, a t a salary, of fifty dollars ($50.00) a month. (Oct. 12, 1911.) Ingalls, R. C , a s s i s t a n t in History, on half time, for t h e academic year beginning Sept. 1, 1911, a t a salary of four h u n d r e d dollars ($400.00) for the year. (Sept. 21, 1911.) Israel, A. L., student assistant in Chemistry, for t h e academic year 1911-12, a t a salary of one h u n d r e d dollars ($100.00) for the year, vice P. S. Woodward. (Sept. 21, 1911.) Jones, Robert Taylor, assistant in Architecture, for ten m o n t h s beginning Sept. 1, 1911, a t a salary of one h u n d r e d twenty dollars ($120;00) a month, vice Rudolph Weaver, resigned. (Sept. 21, 1911.) Keeler, Nellie L., stenographer in t h e R e g i s t r a r ' s office, for one m o n t h beginning Sept. 1, 1911, at a salary of $55.00 for the month. (Sept. 30, 1911.) Kingsbury, J. A., g r a d u a t e a s s i s t a n t in Chemistry, for t h e academic year 1911-1912, a t a salary of t h r e e h u n d r e d dollars ($300.00) for the year. (Sept. 14, 1911.) Koller, A r m i n H., instructor in German, for the academic year 1911-1912, at a salary of one h u n d r e d dollars ($100.00) a m o n t h (by t r a n s f e r from t h e position of a s s i s t a n t in G e r m a n ; see page 444). (Sept. 15, 1911.) Lamb, Alice, clerk in the R e g i s t r a r ' s office, on half time, for nine m o n t h s beginning Oct. 1, 1911, at a salary of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) a month. (Oct. 26, 1911.) *Lincoln, F r a n c i s Church, associate in Mining Engineering, for ten m o n t h s beginning Sept. 1, 1911, at a salary of one h u n d r e d eighty dollars ($180.00) a month. (Aug. 22, 1911.) Miche, Irene, stenographer in t h e office of the Dean of Women, for twelve m o n t h s beginning Sept. 1, 1911, at a salary of fifty dollars ($50.00) a month. (Sept. 29, 1911.) . Mohr, H e r m a n , stenographer i n the office of t h e dean of t h e College- of Law, on half time, beginning Sept. 13, 1911, at a salary of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) a month. (Sept. 30, 1911.) Powers, S. Ralph, custodian in Zoology, on half time, for t h e year beginn i n g Sept. 1, 1911, at a salary of $500.00 per a n n u m . (Sept. 13, 1911.) Radebaugh, Gustave H., assistant in t h e machine shop, for ten months* at a salary of ninety dollars ($90.00) a month, salary to begin when w o r k begins, vice W. C. Bradford, resigned. (Sept. 21, 1911.) Randolph, Oscar A., assistant in Physics, on full time (previously on p a r t t i m e ; see page 447), from Nov. 1, 1911, to J u l y 1, 1912, a t a salary of seventyfive dollars ($75.00) a m o n t h (to t a k e over the work of Elwood S. Smith, resigned. (Oct. 25, 1911.) Roper, Chas. W., t e m p o r a r y tool room a t t e n d a n t in machine shop, beginn i n g Oct. 1, 1911, at a salary of forty-five dollars, eighty-three and one-third cents ($45.83y 3 ) a month. (Oct. 14, 1911.) Smith, (Mrs.) Adelle Catherine, stenographer in the Registrar's office, for twelve m o n t h s beginning Sept. 1, 1911, a t a salary of fifty-five dollars ($55.00) a month. (Oct. 14, 1911.) Wharn, Charles, a s s i s t a n t in charge of t h e class in Commercial Law (Economics 25), for t h e academic year 1911-1912, at a r e m u n e r a t i o n of four h u n d r e d dollars ($400.00) for t h e year. (Sept. 28, 1911.) Wallace, F r a n k M., research a s s i s t a n t in Ceramics, for t h e academic year 1911-1912, at a salary of five h u n d r e d ' dollars ($500.00) for t e n m o n t h s ' service. (Sept. 12, 1911.)

* Appointment made by Vice-President T. J. BurrilL