Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

134 UNIVEKSITY OF I L L I N O I S . I N T H E COIJLEGE OF L A W . [June 13 Le Roy Stewart Samuel Matthew Thompson, A. B. I N T H E LIBRARY SCHOOL. Carrie Cade Patton, A.B. COMMISSIONS I N T H E I L L I N O I S N A T I O N A L GUARD. The secretary reported also t h a t the following officers of the U n i versity corps of cadets have received commissions in the Illinois National G u a r d : William Herbert Almy Paul Kircher Elmer Frederick Blakeslee Otis Hoit Lee Earle Robinson Math Laurence Vreeland Burton Gustav Henry Mueller William Russell Camp Jacob William Myers George Owen Cogswell Arthur Edwin Randall Arthur Ludvig Enger Chester Otis Reed James Phillips Fellows John Tyndall Russell John Delavan Frazee William Bristol Slaughter William Edward Hart Frank Lewis Stout Elmer Franklin Heater Perry Weston Swern Henry Richardson Helmle Oscar William Rudolph Wanderer Ernest Arthur Herrcke Arthur Wayne Wheeler William Ellsworth Hicks Leigh Francis Zerbee Andrew Soren Karkow Edward Augustus Theodore Kircher James Zetek The University gold medal has been awarded to Harwell Cloud Thompson. The Hazelton gold medal has been awarded to Earl Kirkwood Augustus. DEGREES I N D E P A R T M E N T S I N CHICAGO. The secretary presented also the list of students of the Colleges of Medicine and "Dentistry, and the School of Pharmacy, upon whom degrees had been conferred on the dates indicated: T H E COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE AND. SURGERY. (Conferred June 6, 1911, in Chicago.) Clyde Franklin Baccus Frederic Leaworth Barbour Lewis Daniel Bar ding Zerefeh Elias Bashur Isadore Edward Bishkow Sanford *Milton Blunk Cornelius Edward Boone Wesley Lewis Boyden Elwin Mather Brown Fitzhugh Lee Brown Mary Isabel Brown Fred Harrison Brines Clarence Edward Burt Earl Caddick Stephen Cahana Hubert William Callahan Franklin Harvick Carter Alfre'd Hanson Claeboe Clement Joseph Cullen Wiley Maroni Cragun Leo Matthew Czaja John Earle Damron Walter Paul D&venport Abraham Lincoln Desser Nicholas Murray Doyle Hugh John Duffy George Washington Egermayer Loyd Albert Elliott* Ray Mitchell Fouts Edward Francis Fox Robert Loyal French Guy Samuel Frogner Murray Maury Fuchsmann John P a u l F u r n o