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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

102 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. [March 20 Paper Snyder fund, principal Soil examination, receipts United States Agri. Expt. Sta. (Hatch fund). University fees Water survey receipts Zoology laboratory. L—Concluded. % 851 00 331 27 16 75 3,278 25 610 41 35 89 $24,207 51 $43,477 44 1910. Oct. 17 Chicago draft... Nov. 21 Chicago draft Dec. 15 Chicago draft REMITTANCES TO H. A. HAUGAN, TREASURER. ' ; $10,000 00 12,008 70 10,000 00 $32,008 70 11,468 74 $43,477 44 Balance December 31,1910. M I L I T A R Y AND B A N D SCHOLARSHIPS. The following letter was received from the comptroller: URBANA, I I I . , March 18, 1911. W. L. Abbott, Esq., President, Board of Trustees, University of Illinois: DEAR SIR—Last year the board appropriated for military and hand scholarships $2,000.00. Of this amount $1,512.00 was used. As there are some additional scholarships the present year, I request the board to appropriate at this time $2,000.00 for this purpose. Truly yours, S. W. SHATTUCK, " ' . * Comptroller. The appropriation requested in this letter, $2,000 for military and band scholarships, was made, the vote being as follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Grout, Mr. Hatch, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Meeker; noes, n o n e ; absent, Mr. Anthony, Mrs. Bahrenburg, Mr. Blair, Mr. Deneen, Mr. Moore. BEQUESTS O P T H E SUPERVISING ARCHITECT. President Abbott presented the following letter from Professor James M. White, supervising architect: URBANA, I I I . , March 18, 1911. Mr. W. L. Abbott, 139 Adams Street, Chicago, III.: I enclose estimate of improvements which should not be deferred until summer if they can be authorized now, because a great deal of work which it is necessary to do during the summer cannot be done until certain of these changes have been made. Items 14 to 22 should receive immediate attention if the electrical department' is to have time to remodel its laboratory before the opening of the fall semester. Items 1 to 13 could be deferred and also items 23-25; but in anticipation of the large amount of work to be done during the summer, which it is almost always impossible to complete by the middle of September, I hope you will be able to authorize them now. I presume all of the items except 1 to 4 would have to be charged to the general fund. Yours truly, JAMES M. WHITE, Supervising Architect.
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