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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
72 UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S . [Jan. 17 GRADUATE SCHOOL APPROPRIATION. 17. A request from the Dean of the Graduate School that the balance of the sum appropriated by the General Assembly for the maintenance of the Graduate School for the biennium 1909-11 be now appropriated by the board to the uses of the school. I t was voted t h a t the balance of the sum appropriated by the General Assembly for the maintenance of the Graduate School for the biennium 1909-11 be now appropriated for the provision of additional equipment in books, manuscripts, maps, apparatus, and other supplies, and for the expenses, including extra help, cases, etc., incidental to caring for this additional equipment, for the purpose of strengthening the departments represented in the Graduate School, in order to p u t them into fair working condition as far as possible, and t h a t the funds shall be assigned among these separate departments upon the recommendation of the dean of the Graduate School, approved by the president of the University. GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS. 18. A request from the dean of the Graduate School for authority to assign scholarships and fellowships for the coming year. I t was voted t h a t the faculty of the Graduate School be authorized to make the same announcement in regard to scholarships and fellowships for the coming year as was made for the present year as to number, stipendium, etc., and t h a t the president of the University be authorized to nominate candidates for said fellowships and scholarships. IMPORT ORDER FOR ZOOLOGICAL SUPPLIES. 19. A request from Professor H. B. Ward, of the Department of Zoology, endorsed by Dean E. J. Townsend, of the College of Science, for permission to place an import order not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) for supplies, etc., for the Department of Zoology, for the academic year 1911-12. I t was voted that this authority be granted. E E P O R T S OP T H E F I N A N C E C O M M I T T E E . Mr. Grout presented the following report of the Finance Committee: To the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: We beg leave to state that we have examined the bill rendered by the president of the University and referred to us at the meeting of July 29, 1910 [see report of the Board of Trustees, 1910, p. 602] for traveling expenses for the period from Oct. 8, 1908, to July 1, 1910, amounting to sixteen hundred two dollars and twenty cents ($1,602.20) and hereby approve the same and recommend that it be paid. Respectfully submitted, A. P. GROUT, MARY E. BUSEY, ARTHUR MEEKER. I t was voted t h a t this report be approved and the bill paid.
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