UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 [PAGE 89]

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the electrical plant should be consolidated in one building : so that in case of fire or explosion, there would be no danger to other buildings or to the lives of the students. Your committee find that there is no sufficient gymnasium room for either the gentlemen or the ladies. The young men are permitted to use part of the Military Hall for that purpose, and the ladies are substantially without accommodations of this kind. We believe that there ought to be provided at the earliest possible date a good gymnasium, especially for the young ladies, together with bath rooms for all of the students. While your committee believe that the very best work possible under all the circumstances is being done at the University, yet your committee believe that there are many things that should be added to the University to make its work complete and to make it rank with other universities in states not near so large or so able as our own. Therefore, your committee beg leave to make the following recommendations: 1st. They believe that the appearance of the grounds and the landscape view of the same could and wrould be materially improved if the trees on the grounds were trimmed to that height that you could see over the entire grounds from any part thereof. 2d. We believe there is a necessity for more room for the accommodation of the students as an assembly room, and also recitation rooms. 3d. We believe the old street railway track should be taken out of the grounds where it now is and that that street should be properly paved and that some old fences along the side of that street should also be removed. 4th. That a new building should be provided in w7hich to place the library and all of the specimens in the several museums. That said building should be large enough to anticipate the future wTants of the University. 5th. That every encouragement should be given to all of the experimental work done in the University, as your committee believe that it peculiarly fits young men and women for their special vocations in life. We believe that it is better to do such work in the presence of the students and have them do it while yet in school, than it is to theorize and talk about it in the class room. 6th. We believe also that every encouragement should be given to the University in extending its work in tne agricultural department. That it should be furnished w^ith all the facilities for carrying on a scientific examination and experiments relating to all of the industries of the state. 7th. We heartily approve of the system of allowing students the free choice of studies, thus enabling each student within certain lines to take such work as suits his or her tastes and business, and prepares them for their particular work in life. In conclusion your committee believe that the foundations have been well laid for a great university, and that the people of this state should take sufficient pride in their University and assist it in every wray possible to build upon this foundation, until it shall be a peer to any other institution in the United States and recognize no superior. We believe that Illinois is entitled to a University to which her people will gladly lend their aid in every way, so as to make it a University that will send out into the world her sons and daughters strong physically, mentally, and morally, to meet and overcome successfully all obstaeles_in their pathway to success. Your committee take great pleasure in most heartily recommending to this estate and to the People of the State of Illinois, the work of Dr. Andrew S. Draper, the present President of the University, and congratulate all of the people upon his selection to this position. In him we believe the University lias a man worthy and well qualified to carry on this great work of education.