Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 293 List of No. Warrants—Continued. For what. Amount. $2 38 14 44 IS 30 8 48 100 111 20 30 2 17 60 63 15 42 19 17 27 67 11 2 7 9 00 78 00 IS32 92 00 64 00 30 00 00 50 50 50 50 00 45 42 30 80 20 15 83 05 00 Date. To whom. 2129 June^ 2130 2131 June 2132 2133 2134 21351 2136 2127 21381 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 i 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148| 2149 2150 i 2151 21521 2153 2154 2155 2156 21571 21581 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168! 2169 2170| 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176! 2177 2178 21791 2180 2181 2182 2183! 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188| 2189 21901 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 21981 2199 22001 2201 2202 2203 June 2204| 15 J. E. Armstrong" Chas. Small Copying names . Expenses D. Kinley S. A. Bullard N. W. Graham Alex. McLean L IS. Raymond Dr. Julia H. Smith W. S. Chaplin Commencement oration Architect's commission Ricker & White Prize in oratorical contest. Chas. W. Leigh W. H. Kiler E. H. Renner& Bro Carriage hire and drayage. Georgia E. Hopper Catalogueing books The Illini Copies of Illini F.L.Bills Postage Isaac Fielding* C, C..C. &St. L. Ry. Co Freightage . Illinois Central R. R. Co Pacific Express Co Expressage. American Express Co T. R. Leal Grading Lydia M. Hart Drawings..': R. W. Braucher Work in laboratory. W. G. Johnson Expenses H. O. Woodworth Work in laboratory. |Sarah E. Webster Typewriting F. F. Frederick Expenses EL. E. Summers W. R. Howe Drayage . John Shields Photograph s J. M. White Cambridge Botanic'l Supply Co Botanical supplies Scales Fairbanks Morse & Co Case and stands G. W. Parker & Son Champaign County Printing- Co Printing Surveys made W. D. Pence Music Friend & Bernard Tuning piano Lyon <e Potter Co f Music Walter H. Jones Gravel Martin Bibbus Lantern slides Chas. T. Wilder Blue prints , E. E. Dunlap Sheep Geo. Allen Expenses Eugene Davenport Printing Champaign County Herald Cement floors P. E. Taintor Collecting samples of water. Edward Bush Minerals G. L. English & Co Academy Nat. Science of Phil. Proceedings Books The Werner Co Cases, etc Petty & Sayers Expenses A. S. Draper Printing The Gazette Stenographic work Amelia Powers Expenses E. G. Howe H. C.Forbes Expressage American Express Co Freight and drayage R. S. Wilber Printing, etc E. F. Hartman Window shades G. T.Meyer Co Printing H. W. Rokker The Nautilus C. W. Johnson Printing, stationery, etc Pantagraph P. & S. Co Office rent B. Zelle Western Union Telegraph Co.. Telegrams Muslin, crash, etc G.C.Willis Inspection of boat Racine Boat and Mfg. Co Office rent B. Zelle Books, etc A. C. McClurg & Co Payroll of students May, 1896.. Labor Payroll of men, May, 1896 301A. S. Draper Salary for June, 1896 T.J.Burrill S. W. Shattuck Edward Snyder 5 10 4 00 9 15 14 42 6 07 100 00 7 02 12 40 38 75 10 00 10 00 5 65 18 86 2 16 20 17 30 60 3 5 415 1 25 5 10 79 92 84 1 15 6 2 8 29 4 49 1 66 10 13 15 24 6 461 81 491 583 225 166 166 70 50 70 00 95 25 16 00 50 00 00 45 17 54 50 21 86 25 58 15 20 30 00 00 86 09 75 99 97 19 35 07 33 00 €6 66