Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
PEOCEEDINGS OF BOAED OF TEUSTEES. 273 List of No. 1895. To whom. Warrants—Continued. For wThat. Amount. 593 Nov. 594 595 596 597 600 601 602' 603 604 605 606| 607 608 609 610| 611 612] 613 614 615 616! 617 618 619 6201 621 6221 623 624 625 626 6271 630 631 632 633 634 6351 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 6451 647 6481 649 6461 6501 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658| 659 660 661 662! 663 664 665 30|L. P. Breckenridge Salary 3 m o n t h s to d a t e E x p e n s e s and salary to date S. W. Shattuck Salary for November, 1895 Mary J . S n y d e r Chas. A. H a r t W. G. J o h n s o n C.A. Kofoid B. M. Dug-grar H. C. Forbes On contract, machine shop Bevis & Co Machine shop roof C . L . Strobe C.V.Millar Salary for November, 1895 , Richards & Co Chemical supplies J o s e p h i n e Skehan H e r b a r i u m specimens G. E . Stechert Books J.M.White Lumber W . W . W a l l s & Co Care of hat room, Nov. 1895 M. A. Reasoner Salary 3 months, to date S. A. Forbes Salary, November, 1895 Adolph Hempel Messenger H a r l e n Scott H.C.Forbes Expenses Richard Kny & Co Laboratory supplies Subscription to American Miller, Mitchell Bros. Co A. D. MacGilleoray Larvae The S. Obermayer Co Shop supplies Machinist Supply Co Supplies Stone cubes and sand C. N. Clark & Co rlubbard & Sons Hardware T. Hamilton & Son Lime, etc Brass Chas. H. Besly & Co P a n t a g r a p h Print. & Stat'y Co. Certificates W e s t e r n Union Telegraph Co Telegrams Drayage W.R.Howe , E x p e n s e s to committee m e e t i n g . N. W. Graham • Lectures and expenses Mrs. Helen Campbell Salary, November, ^1895 J o h n Mayer E. W . J u s t u s Chas. B. E w a l t Assistance in drawing E m m a Siebert Expenses W. O. Krohn Freig-htag-e Illinois Central R. R. Co Postage Isaac FieldingR. H e r b s t Hectograph ribbon W a b a s h R. R. Co Freig-htag-e Liquid Carbonic Acid Mfg*. Co . Acid Riley J e w e l r y Co Diamond Freightage C.,C.,C. & S t . L. R ' y C o The N o r t h w e s t ' n Cal. Lig-ht Co, Gas Hardware H u b b a r d & Sons Louise Dewey W o r k on charts F. L . B i l l s . . Postag-e Champaig-n Supply Co Machine shop supplies Maltby & Wallace Co Pipe and fittings Robinson & B u r r Bevis & Co H e r b a r i u m cases, etc P a i n t s , oils, etc H. Swannell E. H e n r y Shop and j a n i t o r s ' supplies D. H. Lloyde & Son Stationery, etc Richards & Co Chemical supplies I J o n e s & Laug-hlins Beams, etc Clara E . Cummings N. A. lichens The Dean Steam P u m p Co Fibrous packing The M, C. Lilley & Co Swords and belts The Urbana Brick Co Brick, etc Mittendorf & Kiler Box and m i r r o r The Gazette Printing Champaign County Herald Clinton Pav. and Bldgf. Brick Co| Brick Henry Trevett Hardware A. C. McClurg & Co Books and stationery H. H . E v e r e t t Expenses E. H. R e n n e r & Bro Hack hire The DuQuoin Coal Co Coal Champaign Co. P r i n t i n g Co Printing $62 162 62 62 110 100 83 83 340 612 60 48 11 50 40 50 50 00 00 3a S3 00 00 00 02 00 16 56. 26 35 29 30 19 00' 62 50 60 00 10 00 3 70 3 75 2 00 2 00 17 95 43 45 32 75 8 95. 3 14 2 73 4 4 25 20 176 20 45 15 25 18 70 10 1 50' 87' 03 51 10' 00 00 00 00 72. 68 00 50 12 10 3 25 3 00 33 28 6 45 3 80 25 62 108 00 69 89 46 50 213 90 21 oa 14 15 85 65 36 45 183 52 94 61 6 95 1 61 40 50 74 23 4 75 188 09 128 10 2 40 229 25 107 11 1 65 4 00 554 06 18 75 -18 U. I.