Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
196 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, December 10, 1895. Dr. A. S. Draper, President of the University of Illinois. S I R : I beg leave to submit from the Board of Direction of the Agricultural Experiment Station the following: Paper J. is a statement of expenditures for the quarter ending September 30, 1895. Paper B is a statement of expenditures for the current quarter, ending December 31, 1895. Paper C is a list of warrants drawn, Nos. 1 to 83, inclusive, for the quarter ending September 30, 1895, and is accompanied with vouchers for the same for audit. Paper D is a statement of appropriations asked for the current and next quarters. PAPER A—STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES, QUARTER ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1895. Board expense Books and publications Botanical apparatus Buildings and repairs Bulletins and reports Chemical apparatus Fuel and lights Incidentals Printing, stationery, and postage . Salaries ,, Seeds and trees Tools and supplies Wages Total $12 49 44 15 40 253 11 77 25 1,660 14 166 1,247 00 99 38 45 00 81 85 50 95 00 29 80 01 $3,619 03 PAPER B—STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS, EXPENDITURES, AND BALANCES FOR THE QUARTER ENDING DECEMBER 30, 1895. Appropriated. Board expense Books and publications Botanical apparatus Buildings and repairs Bulletins Chemical apparatus Fuel and lights Incidentals Meteorological apparatus Printing, stationery, and postage. Salaries Seeds and trees Tools and supplies Wages Wood durability experiment Total.. $40 225 25 25 300 50 100 25 Expended. Balances. 00 00 00 00 001 00 00 00] $40 69 25 21 300 50 100 21 23 553 25 191 313 25 00 50 00 90 00 00 00 15 40 35 00 75 38 00 $155 50 3 101 25 00 1,660 00 25 00 200 00 1,000 00 50 00 $3,750 00 3 85 9 35 1 1,106 65 8 25 686 62 25 00 $1,999 92 $1,759 43