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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 163 tion requires that the designs be in the hands of Mr. Pillsbury, Secretary of the Board of Trustees, on or before 12 o'clock noon Wednesday, September 4, 1895. Ninth. In compliance with the instructions of the Board of Trustees J u n e 27, 1895, the Buildings and Grounds Committee met with Professor S. A. Forbes at the Biological Station ^of the University, in Havana, 111., for consultation in respect to the expenditures of the appropriation made for the temporary building and the equipment of the Station. The plans and estimates which Professor Forbes had obtained were carefully considered and approved. The proposition of one contractor for the cabin boat was accepted and concluded, and is herewith presented r together-with the report of Professor Forbes. Tenth. Acting upon the resolution of the Board June 27, 1895, in regard to the sale of land and application of the proceeds to the construction of the residence of the President of the University, it was first ascertained that the Jand could be sold for as much as $80 per acre. Eighty dollars per acre for half of the land is offered, payable October 1 next; also an offer of $80 per acre for the whole, $2,000 in cash and balance in payments with interest. President Draper and the Chairman of the Committee on buildings and Orounds had a brief interview with S. S. Beman, architect, of Chicago, outlining what has been proposed to be done, and thereupon Mr. Beman accompanied the President to Urbana for the purpose of examining the site of the proposed residence and for further conference, all of which resulted in the engagement of Mr. Beman to make the plans and prepare specifications for the building upon which contractors might predicate bids for its construction. The plans and specifications have been in the hands of a number of builders and their proposals are to be submitted by 12 o'clock noon September 5,1895. The plans and specifications are herewith presented. Eleventh. It is found that the earth to be excavated for the pavement on <rreen street will be insufficient to complete the parking and grading about Engineering Hall and the President's residence. Therefore, as no provision has been made for moving the earth, as recommended by Professor Ricker, from the lower basement of Engineering Hall, an appropriation of $500.00 is asked for this purpose, so that the earth may be used to make up the deficiency. Twelfth. In regard to the construction of the Astronomical Observatory no actual progress has been made, further than to collect information in respect to the latest designs for structures of like character and for the equipment of the same. The Committee, however, intends to proceed without delay, so that the foundations maybe all in and stand through the winter for settlement, before the completion and furnishing of the building. RICHARD P. MORGAN, ALEX. MCLEAN, ISAAC S. RAYMOND, N. B. MORRISON, Committee on Buildings and Grounds, • T h e resolution, w h i c h forms a p a r t of t h e letter addressed to t h e P r e s i d e n t of t h e U r b a n a a n d C h a m p a i g n S t r e e t R a i l r o a d C o m p a n y , q u o t e d in t h e above report, was p r e s e n t e d to t h e B o a r d for s e p a r a t e a c t i o n a n d was affirmed, on motion of Mr. M c L e a n , a n d to it was .added t h e following r e s o l u t i o n : Resolved, That the Urbana and Champaign Electric Railroad Company can not be permitted occupation, with its tracks or otherwise, of any part of the grounds of the University of Illinois, except as a tenant at will. T h e report of t h e C o m m i t t e e on B u i l d i n g s a n d G r o u n d s was t h e n approved.
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