UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1892 [PAGE 233]

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Professor Baker has submitted a plan for better care of the civil engineering instruments. He proposes to have cages or lockers made for each set of these instruments, so t h a t they can be kept under lock and key when not in use, instead of being exposed as at present in the open room. To make these will cost $200. Professor Picker asks for the following appropriations for the department of architecture:

F o r m a t e r i a l s for a r c h i t e c t u r a l c a b i n e t . . . F o r s p e c i m e n s of s a n i t a r y c o n s ' r u c t i o n . , F o r labor m o u n t i n g plates, etc $100 00 59 0085 00-

He adds— u As the number of students in shop practice increases, as well as the quantity of commercial work done for the University, the labors and responsibilities of Mr. Parker, as foreman of the architectural shops, have correspondingly increased, until he now makes an earnest request for the employment of an assistant foreman, to take charge of a portion of the work. This should be done, for it is not possible for a single man to impart all the instruction in shop practice and to supervise properly all the work done for the University," Professor Stratton asks appropriations for the department of physics, and for the electrical engineering laboratory, as follows:

F o r electrical m e a s u r e m e n t a p p a r a t u s , o r d e r e d b y p e r m i s s i o n of t h e T r u s t e e s , g i v e n at t h e D e c e m b e r m e e t i n g ; F o r a p p a r a t u s a n d material in t h e physical l a b o r a t o r y F o r a n electric light p h o t o m e t e r for electric l a b o r a t o r y F o r t w o d e s k s , one for t h e physical lecture r o o m and t h e o t h e r for t h e electrical laboratory

$500 00 300 00 285 00

30 00

For the department of mining engineering, Professor Baldwin asks:

F o r a n a n e m o m e t e r , a water g a u g e , and for phonographs a n d m a p s of m i n e s . . . F o r r e p a i r s of ore d r e s s i n g m a c h i n e r y a n d p u r c h a s e or o r e s $50 00 50 00

Professors Palmer and Parr ask for the chemical laboratory appropriations as follows:

For For For For lecture r o o m s e t t e e s for 150 s t u d e n t s chemical supplies to be b o u g h t for u s e at t h e b e g i n n i n g of the n e x t t e r m . . . b o o k s of reference a p p a r a t u s for w o r k in t h e r m o - c h e m i s t r y $225 500 400 500 00 00 00 »0

Professor Eolfe wishes to make for use in instruction in economic geology, collections of ores, coals, building materials, etc. These can often be had without cost for the specimens themselves; but their transportation and preparation must be paid for. An assignment of $200.00 is asked for this purpose. Professor Rolfe would also like the privilege of publishing a pamphlet of some 50 pages containing the data in regard to elevations which he has obtained in making a relief map of the State of Illinois. I t is thought this will cost about $100.00. According to instructions given at your last meeting plans have been prepared for the adaptation of the room now used for the department of