Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Ql heating apparatus, was referred to the building committee with power to act. The business agent then presented the following report : ILLINOIS INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY, \ CHAMPAIGN, I I I . , June 4, 1878. f Hon. EMORY COBB, President of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Industrial University: SIR:—I have the honor to present the following financial report for the three months ending June 1st. Paper A is a statement of the appropriations with expenditures and receipts under the same. Paper B is a list of warrants drawn in the three months; those from 573 to 606 inclusive, are presented with their vouchers for auditing. Paper C is a list of bills presented for auditing. Paper D is a statement of the state appropriation at date. Respectfully submitted, S. W. SHATTUCK, Business Agent. "A" STATEMENT of Current Appropriations and Receipts, June 1, 1878. ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATED. EXPENDED. BALANCE. Board expense Salaries Fuel and lights Stationery Buildings and grounds Library and apparatus Mechanical department Architectural ** Agricultural " Horticultural 4" Chemical ' 4t Military Furniture and fixtures Sundries: freight on model of horse...$50. engineer's transit 550. Paris exposition 25. Illini 15. Illinois Central Railroad donation Fees and room rents Tuition in preparatory department Sundries: cabinets... agricultural inst Incidentals State appropriation 3 months 111. Cent, freight Premium on bonds $ ' 200 15,225 1,000 600 200 25 334 839 2,845 001 00 00 00] 00 00 25 08j 50 $134 a5 $101 04 50 09 248 42 328 476 99 63! 24! 96 7,613 42 295 33 306 63 110 01 3 12 742 33 644 71 1,982 22 154 05 52 01 102 25 4 16 15 22 12 00 15 60 570 00 13 98 36 50 43 48 3,627 75 1,850 00 $18,329 62 $ 178 04! 150 00 100 00 65 15 7,611 58 805 71 193 37 140 08 21 88 159 09 237 00 1,191 52 322 91 126 03 47 75 95 84 640 00 591 80 1,504 50 611 50| 80 00 200 001 591 80 41 50 16 02 156 52 1