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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

96 authority to have the work completed, the cost not to exceed $227.50. The president and secretary were directed to draw an order upon the state auditor for the appropriations due for the fiscal year 18*78-79, in favor of treasurer J. W . Bunn. A request from Mr. F . A. Parsons for use of bookkeeping room for instruction during the session of the county teachers' normal school, was referred to the business agent, with power to act. The board adjourned to meet on Wednesday, J u n e 5th, 1878, at 3:30 p. m. SECOND DAYS' SESSION. The board met as by adjournment. I t was decided, that all special students, and also post graduates shall be charged $10 per term for instruction in drawing and painting. On motion, Prof. J. B. W e b b was granted leave of absence till Sept. 1st, 1878, and further furlough for one year without pay. Mr. M. A. Scovell was employed to analyze soils of this state, under direction of Prof. G-. E. Morrow, during the months of J u l y and August, 1878, at $40 per month. The graining of the wainscoting, etc., of the third floor, main building, was ordered to be done this vacation. A committee consisting of Mr. Gardner, Prof. Morrow and head farmer Lawrence, were directed to sell certain surplus shorthorn bulls. Mr. Cobb made the following report, as chairman of special committee on subject of summer school of mechanic art. To the Board of Trustees of Illinois Industrial University: S I R S : — Y o u r committee on mechanical a r t school m e t at Col. Mason's office, Chicago, April 5. P r e s e n t : Messrs, Cobb, Mason and Sabin and r e g e n t . I t was resolved t o recommend t h a t Profs. Kobinson and Kicker be authorized to m a k e p r e p a r a t i o n s for and hold a s u m m e r session of t h e mechanical a r t school, without expense t o t h e University, except t h a t $25 may be used for a circular, and t h e professors be allowed t h e u s e of such models and tools as may not be needed for use a t University shops, and t h e y be r e s p o n sible for safe keeping and r e t u r n of same. All of which is respectfully submitted, E. R. D. J. COBB, 1 B. MASON, l/w-m,* D, SABIN, \ Committee. M. GREGORY. J The report was received and the recommendation agreed to. Upon nomination of the regent, the following appointments of instructors for the next academic year were made. P r o f e s s o r of drawing and painting—Prof. P . B a u m g r a s $15 p e r m o n t h for 10 m o n t h s . I n s t r u c t o r in bookkeeping—Mr. F . A. P a r s o n s 75 1st asst.in c h e m . a n d i n s t . i n agr.chem.—Mr. M. A. Scovell.. 75 1st assistant in engineering and physics—Mr. J. D. B a k e r . . 75 2d a s s i s t a n t in civil engineering—Mr. C. W. Clark 50 Asst. architect and foreman of c a r p . shops—Mr. J. C. Llewellyn 60 2d assistant in chemistry—Mr. W. D. Rudy 35 Asst. in English and ancient languages—Mr. C. E. P i c k a r d . 50 L e c t u r e r on veterinary science—Dr. F. W. P r e n t i c e 100 Asst. in horticulture and botany—Mr, C. I . H a y s 75 '* " 12 Taxidermist and assistant in n a t u r a l history—Mr. G.W.Wild 50 Janitor—A. B. Bnker , 40 Janitor—C.W.Williams 30 The final furnishing and finishing of the chemical laboratory and
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