UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 [PAGE 90]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878
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90 M E E T I N G O F T H E B O A R D O F T R U S T E E S , J U N E 4 T H , 1878. The board met at 3:30 p . m., in the University parlor. P r e s e n t : Messrs. Byrd, Cobb, Gardner, Gillham, McLean, Pickrell and Sabin. A b s e n t : Gov. Cullom and Mr. Brown. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. On motion a committee, consisting of President Cobb, Messrs. Pickrell and Gillham, were appointed to draft resolutions, expressing the high esteem for the deceased member of the board, Hon. W . C. Flagg, of Maroa, 111. Mr. McLean, chairman of the building committee, submitted the following report and inclosures, regarding the acceptance of the recently finished chemical laboratory :


URBANA, June 4th, 1878.

To the Chairman of Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: GENTLEMEN: The undersigned, a committee appointed at a regular session of your body to take charge of and superintend the erection of the chemical laboratory, would respectfully report that we have carefully attended to the duties assigned us. The building is now completed, under the contract entered into with N. C. Terrill & Co. The contract price of same was twenty three thousand, eight hundred and ninety-six dollars. Of this sum, Terrill & Co., have been paid sixteen thousand nine hundred and ninety nine dollars and eighty two cents, retained 15 per cent, as per contract, three thousand dollars and eight cents, and due on contract three thousand eight hundred and ninety six dollars and ten cents. The last two sums yet due Terrill & Co., payable July 1, 1878, amounting to six thousand, eight hundred and ninety six dollars and eighteen cents, making & grand total on original contract, $23,896.00, as above stated. During the erection of the building we found many defects, or rather where improvements could be made, not provided for by the architect, which we thought best to have done. Said extra improvements cost one thousand and four dollars and twelve cents; said amount has been paid in full. We herewith attach a detailed statement of the several amounts paid on said contract, and extras marked "chemical laboratory building," which we desire to be made a part of our report herein. We also incurred or opened a sundry account, such as salary of superintendent of building, Mr. S. Brown, a practical builder, deeming it of importance to have such a person overlook and decide as to quality of materials and workmanship, and other items of necessary materials and labor, all of which we herewith attach and mark 4 'sundry expenses, *' and desire the same to be made a part of our report. We would further recommend that the laboratory building be now accepted, the same being constructed in all particulars as stipulated in the contract with N. C. Terrill & Co., and further that the amount due said contractors to-wit: $6,896.18, be ordered paid July 1, 1878, out of the fund appropriated by the legislature for that purpose, and proper warrants for same be issued. We herewith present the report of Prof. Bicker, architect of said laboratory, and make it part of our report, desiring that it be incorporated in this our final report on said building. Ws would also recommend that a warrant be issued in favor of J. M. Van Osdel, for the sum of twenty five dollars, fee as consulting architect on laboratory. Also recommend that a warrant be issued in favor of Prof. N. C. Bicker, for extra labor draughting plans and specifications of chemical laboratory, for the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars. Above bills to be paid after July 1, 1878. ALEX. MCLEAN, j. Committee hommmee D. GARDNEB. \ CHAMPAIGN, April 13th, 1878.


I hereby certify that I have superintended the building of laboratory of the Illinois Industrial University, having daily examined the materials and workmanship as it proressed, and regard the same in every particular substantially such work as required of errill & Knight, under their contract with the trustees of said University. SEELEY BROWN, Superintendent

CHAMPAIGN, April 13th, 1878.

I hereby certify that I have acted as architect of the laboratory building, recently erected for the Illinois Industrial University, and also that I have examined said building, and compared it with the plans, drawings and specifications thereof, and find and certify that said building is built and completed substantially, as is required in the contract of Terrill & Knight, with the trustees of said University. N. CLIFFORD RICKER, Architect