UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 [PAGE 73]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878
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IS Prof. Burrill's report on the construction of new green house was read and referred to the building committee. A committee consisting of Messrs. Piekrell, McLean and Gardner, were appointed to report on the future management of the University farms and lands. Recess taken until 3 p. m.


Board met as by adjournment. Mr. P . N . Endsley's bill for reporting (short hand) certain court proceedings, amounting to $6. was allowed. A request from Mr. Canady to erect a temporary blacksmith's shop on University grounds was not granted. Dr. Gregory nominated Mr. E. L. Lawrence, to be continued head farmer for next year, which was confirmed. The regent and Prof. Morrow were authorized to correspond with the state board of agriculture in regard to a contemplated trial of agricultural implements on University farm. Dr. Gregory was authorized to apply to the chief signal officer for the establishment of a station at the University. Mr. McLean, chairman of the building committee, presented the following report upon Prof. Ricker's recommendations in regard to the heating apparatus for the new laboratory building:

C H A M P A I G N , Bee. 7th, 1877.

To the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: The undersigned, laboratory building committee, would beg- leave to r e p o r t t h a t we h a v e carefully examined t h e plans made by Profs. Ricker and Robinson, relative t o heating a p p a r a t u s for laboratory building; also gas and water piping, and from information given u s by said Robinson and Ricker, we would recommend as follows: 1st. That Profs. Ricker and Robinson m a k e out full and complete plans and specifications for t h e heating a p p a r a t u s , so t h a t we can solicit bids for p u t t i n g in t h e same according t o t h e plans and specifications submitted t o us, and t h a t their r e p o r t be acted on by t h e board or such committee as they m a y select. 2d. We would also recommend that said Profs. Ricker and Robinson be requested t o submit a bid or estimate for said work, also estimate for h e a t i n g by steam radiators as in main building, from o u r own mechanical d e p a r t m e n t . 3d. We would recommend t h a t gas and water piping be at once commenced and finished by o u r mechanical department, under superintendence of Profs. Robinson and Ricker, and according t o plans as submitted t o y o u r committee, authorizing t h e m to m a k e such changes as m a y be t h o u g h t advisable and prudent. We would also recommend t h a t Prof. Ricker be requested t o furnish tracings of plans for heating a p p a r a t u s , for heating t h e laboratory, and submit t h e same t o Crane, Breed & Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio, for their e s t i m a t e and bid on said work. Respectfully submitted, A. MCLEAN, ) D. GARDNER, VCommittee. R. B. MASON. j

The report was adopted and the building committee instructed to carry out its provisions. A request from Mr. E. A. Robinson, late foreman of the shops, for additional pay, amounting to $45, was not granted. T h e chairman of the building committee then submitted the following report in regard to the new greenhouse :

C H A M P A I G N , Dec. 6th, 1877.

To the Trustees of the Illinois Industrial


Your committee to whom was referred the building and completion of the grreen house, beg leave to report that: