Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
TRANSACTIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF T H E ILLINOIS INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY, DECEMBER 5 T I I , 1 8 7 6 . The board met at the University parlor at 3 p. m. Was called to order by the president. P r e s e n t : Messrs. Byrd, Blackburn, Cobb, Gardner, Gillham, Mason and Sabin. A b s e n t : Gov. Beveridge, Messrs. Brown and Flagg. The minutes of the last meeting were then read and approved. Dr. J. M. Gregory submitted his report, which was received, and placed on file. REPORT O F R E G E N T FOR THE QUARTER ENDING DEC. OTH, 1876. GENTLEMEN : W i t h o u t preamble I proceed to lay before you at once the information and suggestions you have a right to ask of me. CONDITION OF T H E UNIVERSITY. The opening term of the year is now well on to its close. The attendance, though somewhat affected by the continued hard times, is still encouraging. The total number of new students admitted is 119. Of these 37 were admitted to the college classes, and 82 to the preliminary studies. Of the preparatory students 44 expect to pass the examination and enter the present freshman class before the close of the year. I believe that the experiment of a preliminary year is likely to prove quite successful in accomplishing the objects aimed at by the board. Among the new students, an unusual number has entered for the course in mechanical engineering. The wThole number of students in attendance this term, is 330. Many of the old students, now out, hope to return before the close of the year.