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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

46 post office of t h e state, of circulars, posters, or such other advertisements of t h e institution as may be thought best fitted to call t h e attention of o u r people to t h e university and its advantages. We recommend, finally, as a m e a n s of carrying out t h e policy aforesaid, t h a t salaries be reduced for t h e coming year as follows: T h a t the salary of regent be reduced, as he requests, t h e sum of That t h e salary of each of the professors, receiving $2,000 per a n n u m , be r e duced $100, or an aggregate of T h a t the salary of the superintendent of the machine shop be reduced $200, and one-half of the remaining $1,000 paid from state appropriation for building, saving T h a t t h e employment of an assistant in architecture and mathematics be discontinued, saving T h a t there be t a k e n from a m o u n t s paid to subordinate assistants and employees, by employing new men or otherwise That, in case Mr. Roos cannot be engaged, the a m o u n t now expended for t h e salaries of instructors in clay modeling and in industrial arts, be r e duced the s u m of Reduction in t h e aggregate All of which is respectfully submitted, $400 00 800 00 700 00 750 00 200 00 650 00 $3,500 00 W. C. FLAGG. D. GARDNER. ALEX. MCLEAN. On motion of Mr. Sabin, the report was received and the committee discharged. On motion of Mr. Pickrell, it was voted that the salary of the regent and full professors (receiving $2,000 per a n n u m ) be reduced 10 per cent. Carried. The following assistants and instructors were then nominated by Dr. Gregory, and appointed for the ensuing y e a r : Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. I. O. Baker, ) F . A. Parsons, [• positions and salary same as last year. C. I. Hays, ) M. A. Scovill, position as last year, salary $65 per month. C. E. Pickard, " " " 45 per month. T h e regent nominated Mr. E. A. Robinson for foreman of mechanical shops. Laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Flagg, the salary for foreman of mechanical shop was fixed at $1,000 per annum. T h e regent's recommendation, that an additional coal shed be built, and the necessary coal purchased now, was concurred in. Mr. Gardner, chairman from committee on additional library cases, submitted the following report and estimates : The committee on the further completing and furnishing the library room, have e x a m ined same, and beg leave to submit the following r e p o r t . We recommend the cases now in the corners of the south end of the room be a r r a n g e d by moving one case, or section, and to form an L of the remaining ones, as recommended and shown by diagram in possession of librarian. We m a k e no change on west side of t h e room. We recommend that a case be placed against the wall on t h e east side of t h e room, from t h e corner or L cases to the door on the east side, and thence to continue tox the corner of the room. We further recommend t h a t a gallery be constructed over w all or side cases on the side, with stairs constructed at the north end to reach same. The case in t h e gallery to stand against t h e wall, and continue t h e entire length of t h e room. We recommend t h a t the style and finish of the new cases be the same as t h e last cases built, or the work done in t h e room t h a t is intended to be p e r m a n e n t . Y o u r committee think t h a t t h e enlargement and provisions recommended will be sufficient to meet the wants, and accommodate t h e books of the library for t h e present. And to meet f u r t h e r wants and room in the f u t u r e , we suggest t h a t a gallery be placed across the north end of the room, over the doors, t h a t being a blank wall, and a great a m o u n t of room can t h e r e be obtained with little e x p e n s e .
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