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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

43 leefey^own, f o f C a m p a i g n , 111 Richard Young, of Springfield, 111 E. V . Codington, of Champaign, 111 Mateer & Scovell, of Kankakee, 111 G. G. Campneld, of Winchester, I n d D. P . Hopping & Co., of Springfield, 111 $27,368 00 26,825 00 26,756 00 23,900 00 19,900 00 19,742 40 Moved to adjourn till 8 a. m., making t h e further consideration of bids the order for 8:30 a. m. SECOND DAY'S SESSION. The board met as per adjournment. Minutes of yesterday's meeting were read and approved. The following resolutions were reported by Mr. Sabin, chairman of a committee to draw up resolutions of thanks. To the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University: Y o u r committee would respectfully recommend t h a t the following- resolutions be adopted. Resolved, that t h e t r u s t e e s of the Illinois Industrial University recognize in the donation of leads and associated minerals, collected in J o Davess countv, by Gen. J . C. Smith, of Galena, for a n exhibit a t t h e Centennial, a n d by h i m presented t o t h e cabinet of this institution, a valuable and much needed series of specimens; and i n acknowledgement of this generous act they cordially extend t o him their h e a r t y t h a n k s . Resolved, t h a t the t r u s t e e s of the Illinois Industrial University recognize in the donation, consisting of rare and valuable birds, egg3, woods, notes, e t c . , p r e s e n t e d t o the cabinet of t h e institution by Lieut. Geo. R. Bacon, (1st Cavalry U. S. A.) also i n t h e valuable material added by Capt. Chas. Bendire, (1st Cavalry U. S. A.) a substantial and desirable benefit; and they extend t o these gentlemen, in acknowledgement their cordial t h a n k s . Resolved, t h a t i n view of the disinterested services and effectual assistance i n procuring many and valuable specimens for this cabinet of t h e Illinois Industrial University, t h e t r u s t e e s hereby acknowledge their sense of obligation t o Mr. Chas. R. Webb, of t h e city of Philadelphia, and extend t o him their cordial t h a n k s . Resolved, t h a t the t r u s t e e s of the Illinois Industrial University acknowlege t h e receipt of a can of fishes (73 specimens) from the Smithsonian Institute, and r e t u r n their t h a n k s for the s a m e . Resolved, t h a t t h e secretary be instructed t o t r a n s m i t copies of t h e foregoing resolutions t o the gentlemen n a m e d . D. D. SABIN, J . M. BROWN, J . H . PICKRELL. A bill of $148 07 from Trevill & Green, for repair of roof in west wing of main building, (blown off b y the storm on J u n e 24th) was audited and allowed. A report from Mr. H . G. Crane, of the firm of Crane, Breed & Co., on the needed repairs of boilers in t h e heating apparatus was read, received and laid on the table for further consideration. The question of location of t h e chemical laboratory was then taken up. The vote for t h e location on southeast corner of arboretum, ayes and noes being called for, resulted as follows : Ayes—Messrs. Pickrell, Cobb, Gardner and McLean ; noes—Brown, Flagg, Mason and Sabin. Motion lost. J u d g e Brown moved, that the laboratory be located east of main building. Ayes—Brown, Flagg, Mason, McLean and Sabin; noes— Cobb, Gardner and Pickrell. Motion carried. It was moved and seconded, that all the bids received be rejected. Carried. On motion of Mr. McLean, a committee of three was appointed to
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