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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

36 John W. Bunn, Treasurer, in AccH with Illinois CR. Industrial TIniversity. May 31 By amount paid for board expense salaries fuel and lights stationary and printingbuilding- and grounds incidental expenses library and apparatus cabinet microscopes civil engineeringphysical laboratory tuition in preparatory department taxes on land in Nebraska and Minnesota agricultural department i mechanical ' 4 horticultural ' architectural "4 chemical * 4 military ' veterinary *l balance . ; % 112 95 i 886 14 , 230 13 239 12 212 87 156 90 141 610 69 16 8 405 31 91 71 96 96 00 ! 194 24 , !,453 89 672 47 367 28 341 81 261 98 26 60 1 50 11,112 38 $28,523 11 The report was received and approved. Prof. Burrill's report, with plans of greenhouse, was referred to a committee consisting of Messrs. Flagg, Pickrell and Gardner. The treasurer was instructed to invest a certain amount of funds in accordance with the new law, subject to the approval of the president. The report of the librarian, in regard to binding, was referred to Mr. Gardner and Prof. Crawford, with power to act. The question of division of funds from the state appropriations between the mechanical shops was laid over to next meeting. T h e following preamble and resolution was adopted : Whereas, the plans and specifications for a laboratory, prepared b y Prof. N . C. Ricker, have been approved by John M. Van Osdel, consulting architect, and found feasible and good. Resolved, that the said plans are hereby adopted, and the chairman of the board be instructed to advertise for proposals for the construction of the said laboratory. Prof. Ricker was instructed to have the specifications re-written. I t was moved that the chemical laboratory be located on the south east quarter of the arboretum, near Green street. Action postponed until next meeting. T h e corresponding secretary was instructed to at once forward the biennial report to the governor. The motion was carried then, to adjourn till to-morrow morning, 8 o'clock, and meet at the Doane House. THIRD DAY'S SESSION. The board assembled at the hour appointed. The record of the meeting was read and approved. T h e question of salaries was taken up then, and Dr. Gregory spoke at length upon the subject. On motion of Mr. Gardner, the subject was postponed until the next meeting.
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