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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
250 NICOTlAtfA, Tobacco. t a b a e u m , Common Tobacco, cultivated for t h e narcotic foliage and become an import a n t article of production. I t s production t h e last t h r e e census has been as follows : Year. 1850........ 1860 1870 Production. Tobacco, p o u n d s " " " " United S t a t e s . 199,752,655 434,209,461 262,735,341 Illinois. 841.394 6,885,262 6,249,264 Ten states lead Illinois in tobacco production. Of o u r own counties, Saline produced 1,155,941 pounds in 1870, and Williamson, 1^52,509 p o u n d s . Stephenson and J o Daviess were t h e only n o r t h e r n counties t h a t produced more t h a n 10,000 pounds. DATURA, Thorn-Apple, Stramonium. stramonium, Jamestown Weed, or corrupted, Jimson Weed, adventive from Asia, L a p ham, Cook county, Babcock: Champaign county, Macauley, etc. tatula, L., a common weed, metel, cultivated for ornament. meteloides, cultivated from New Mexico for o r n a m e n t u n d e r n a m e of wrightii. arborea and suaveolens are tropical American tr«e-like shrubs cultivated in conservatories. CESTRUM, shrubs cultivated in conservatories. elegans or h a b r o t h a m u s elegans, from Mexico, n o c t u r n u m from West Indies, and p a r q u i from Chili. LTCIUM, trailing, climbing", or low spreading shrubs. vulgare, Matrimony Vine, introduced from Mediterranean region, L a p h a m . G E N T I A N ACE M—-GENTIAN FAMILY. Very tonic plants. smooth and bitter S ABB ATI A, American Centaur}). angularis, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. ERYTHR^EA, Centaury. centaurium, introduced, Cook county, Babcock. FRASERA, American Columbo. carolinensis, native, L a p h a m ; Madison county, used as a tonic medicine, GENT1ANA, Gentian. quinqueflora, Five-Flowered Gentian, native, Lapham, Cook county, Babcock; C h a m paign county. crinita, Fringed Gentian, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. detonsa, Smaller Fringed Gentian, native, Vasey; Cook county, L a p h a m . ochroleuca, Yellowish White Gentian, native, L a p h a m . alba, Whitish Gentian, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock. andrewsii, Closed Gentian, native, Cook county Babcock, Champaign county. saponaria, Soapwort Gentian, native* Gray. puberula, native, Cook county, Babcock; Champaign county. OBLARIA, low very smooth, purplish-green perennial. virginica, native, Vasey. St. Clair county, Brendel. MENYANTHES, Buckbean, perennial h e r b . trifoliata, native, L a p h a m , Cook county, Babcock; Boggs. BABTONIA. tenella, MuN, woods, K a n k a k e e county, Hill. L O G A N I A C E J E — L O G A N I A FAMILY. SPIGELIA, Pink-Boot or Worm-Grass. marilandica, Maryland Pink Boot, native, L a p h a m . perennial, used as a vermlfug-e. A P O C Y N A C E J 2 — D O G B A N E FAMILY. Herbaceous or woody plants, milky juice. ALLAMANI)A, from Guiana. cathartica, showy conservatory shrub. NERIUM, Oleander, from t h e L e v a n t and India. oleander, and odorum, or sweet oleander, a r e house and conservatory p l a n t s . ECHITES, from warm p a r t s of America. suavolens, or Mandevillea suavolans, Chili Jessamine, conservatory climber. FORSTERONIA. difformis, native south, V a s e y ; barely woody climber.
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