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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

258 BONAMIA, pickeringii, Gray; common and seemingly indigenous in Henderson county, Patterson. EVOLVULUS. a r g e n t e u s , native, is found at Potosi, Missouri, Gray. CUSCUTA, Doddsr, parasitic plants with thread-like stems, tenuiflora, native, south, Lapham. inflexa, native, Lapham. (Umbrosia). decora, southwestern Illinois, E n g e l m a n n . arvensis, native, south, L a p h a m . chlorocarpa, native, south, L a p h a m . gronovii, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock; Champaign county, Macauley. eompacta, native, south, L a p h a m . glomerata, native, south, L a p h a m . S O L A N A C E ^ E — N I G H T S H A D E FAMILY. herbage. Plants with rank-scented NOLAN A, annuals planted for ornament, from P e r u and Chili. atriplicifolia. prostrata. LYCOSPERSCICUM, Tomato. esculentum, Tomato, cultivated from tropical America, including m a n y varieties and forms, a n n u a l . The use of this vegetable increases rapidly from y e a r t o year, until it begins to r a n k among t h e most i m p o r t a n t . SOLANUM, Nightshade. r o s t r a t u m , Dunol. introduced from western plains, Adams county. carolinense, Horse Nettle, native south, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock; Champaign county, Macauley, perennial. melongena, Egg Plant, Aubergine; cultivated from tropical Africa or America for food, a n n u a l . nigrum, Blaeh or Common NightsJiade, naturalized from Europe, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock; Champaign county, Macauley, e t c . t u b e r o s u m , Potato, cultivated from Chili for the esculent t u b e r s . Production in the United States and Illinois has been as follows: Year. 1850 1860... 1870 Production. Potatoes, bushels. .. it ;t United States. 65,797,896 111,148,867 143,337,473 Illinois. 2,514,761 5,540,390 10,944,790 New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio each produce much more t h a n Illinois. Of t h e Illinois counties, Madison produced 557,460 bushels in 1870, and Cook, 444,554. These two counties lead. T h e n o r t h e r n and central counties, as a rule, grow more t h a n the southern counties. dulcamara, Bitter Sweet, naturalized from E u r o p e , L a p h a m . jasminoides, cultivated as a house plant, from Brazil, woody stemmed and tall, climbing perennial, pseudo-capsicum, Jerusalem Cherry, cultivated from Madeira, shrubby perennial house plant, with bright red berries. CAPSICUM, Cayenne, or Red Pepper, South America. a n n u u m , Common Capsicum cultivated for the p u n g e n t fruit, annual, cerasiforme, is cultivated for o r n a m e n t and sometimes for u s e . PHYSALIS, Ground Chernh alkekengi, Strawberry Tomato, cultivated from southern E u r o p e for its edible fruit. B u r r says it is a South American fruit. angulata, L . , Menard county, Hall; Union, Vasey* pennsylvanica, native, Cook county Babcock, v a r . lanceolata, native, L a p h a m . viscosa, native, L a p h a m ; Cook county, Babcock; Champaign county, cultivated says Darlington. pubescens, native, L a p h a m ; Champaign county, Macauley. P h i l a d e l p h i a , n a t i v e ; L a p h a m ; C h a m p a i g n county, Macauley; cultivated, Gray. NICANDRA, Apple of Peru, a n n u a l weed. physaloides, adventive from P e r u , L a p h a m . ATftOPA, Belladonna, perennial. belladonna, sometimes cultivated from E u r o p e for medicine, poisonous. P E T U N I A , cultivated a s garden, flowering a n n u a l s from South A m e r i c a . nyctaginiflora. violacea. NIEREMBERGIA, perennial and a n n u a l . gracilis, cultivated for ornament from Buenos Ayres.
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