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189 TABLE IL ULTIMATE COMPOSITION. 1 Q a « P C O O QQ > I o • arbon ulphui xygen itroge ydrog DESIGNATION. o P Bloomington, McLean Co. Coal company Mt. Carbon, ' 'Big Muddy'' Coal Carbondale, Carbondale Coal company Du Quoin, Enterprise Coal company Youghoiugheny Coal* Prof. W e b e r ' s analysis. 68.36 72.98 69.52 65.40 81.27 5.94 5.39 5.42 5.14 5.66 1.59 1.68 1.55 1.52 1.66 1.97 0.60 0.80 1.88 0.98 17.16 16.65 15.31 19.06 7.08 - 4.96 100. 2.70 100. 7.40 100. 7.00 100. 3.35100. TABLE III. HEATING POWER. Calorific power, or No. of pounds of Calorific w a t e r r a i s ' d i n power comtemperature pared with 1 degree C., by p u r e charcoal. 1 pound of full. Bloomington Mt. Carbon Carbondale Du Quoin Youghoiugheny P u r e Charcoal N O T E . —Owing t o a want of time, could b e m a d e . Iii iii , 81.36 84.03 81.47 74.62 98 50 100.00 t h e u l t i m a t e analysis of only these few specimens