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TABLE I. PROXIMATE COMPOSITION. I N C L U D I N G SULPHUR I N COAL AND AMOUNT L E F T IN COKE, AND F I X E D GAS EVOLVED. p_ DESIGNATION. 3 • V 1 m r1 ^ CO fO a *i CD Color of A s h e s . a a CD'S Quality of Coke. £2 Blooming-ton, McLean County Coal Co Briar Bluff, H e n r y c o u n t y Barclay. Sangamon c o u n t y Carbondale, J a c k s o n county Catlin, Vermilion county 4 Danville, " ' DuQuoin, P e r r y county Elmwood, Peoria county Farmington, Fulton county G r a p e Creek, Vermillion c o u n t y Kewanee, H e n r y county Lincoln, Logan county Lombard ville, B u r e a u c o u n t y Mt. Carbon, J a c k s o n c o u n t y Oglesby, LaSalle county, 2d vein 3d " P e r u , Union Coal Co., LaSalle county, 2d & 3d vein Youghoiugheny coal, Prof. W e b e r ' s analysis 7.90 12.60 10.80 6.36 7.80 9.60 8.86 7.60 8.52 9.74 15.60 10.92 9.42 6.12 12.12 10.06 10.30 .90 4.96 9.90 17.10 7.40 12.70 14.64 7.00 9.50 11.72 10.60 7.14 14.84 7.46 2.70 7.72 3.72 4.54 3 35 34.02 28.96 27.32 26.40 31.08 31.20 23.54 27.60 29.28 28.34 27.60 27.60 31.38 24.68 30.84 30.34 33.90 28.90 53.12 48.54 44.78 59.84 48 42 44.56 60.60! 55.30 50.48 51.82 49.66 46.64 51.74 66.50 49.32 55.88 51.26 66.85 100 100 100 100 100 100 97! .76 62 1.51 211.37 80 .48 100! 1 100|2 100| 3 100 3 ioo; 2 99 2.43 46{ 71 40 02! .68 27il.42 05j -83 1.3012.40'Light g r a y . . . 2.58 1.60,Dark g r a y . . . 2.21 2.17 Gray 0.712.30 Light g r a y . . . 0.99 2.0l!Mottled g r a y 0.722.40 Fawn 1.46)1.93 Light f a w n . . 1.1811.92 Light g r a y . . . 1.35 2.17!Light g r a y . . . 1.5711.79 Gray 1.4712.30 Fawn 3.95il.47|Dove 1.19 1.66 Light gray. . 0.57 2.1l!Nearly white 1.19|1.98Gray 2.38;2.24Fawn 1.48 2.33'Fawn 0.8H3.36! Cellular, swollen. Dry b u r n i n g . Dry b u r n i n g . Dry b u r n i n g . Compact. Compact. Dry b u r n i n g . Cellular. Dry b u r n i n g . Compact. Dry b u r n i n g . Dry b u r n i n g . [Cellular, slightly swollen. Dry b u r n i n g . Cellular. Cellular, swollen. Cellular, swollen. oo SECTION I I . Ultimate Analysis.—By this analysis the complete separation of the elementary constituents of the combustible m a t t e r of the coal is effected. I t is of g r e a t value, from t h e fact t h a t it is t h e only means of calculating t h e absolute lieating power of t h e coal. The samples are the s a m e as those used in t h e proximate analysis.