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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1878 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

17 L I S T OF W A R R A N T S DRAWN.—Continued. No. 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 TO WHOM. FOR WHAT. Baldwin Bros T r e v i t t & Gr een W. P . Ward S. W. Shattuck Students' p a y roll S. W. Robinson A. Brown Enterprise Coal Co Horticultural D e p a u t m e n t r Architectural Agricultural " I. B. & W. R. W. Co. Salary accountant Freight and custom fees Hardware Painting and glazing P e t t y expenses November November, 1876 . Expenses t o Chicago a n d Exposition. Mason work and material 10 cars coal Rent of house Work for other d e p a r t m e n t s Expense November, 1876 Work for other d e p a r t m e n t s Freights Teaching in p r e p a r a t o r y d e p a r t m e n t 5 05 20 47 40 30 24 31 277 06 9 79 2 25 168 00 54 00 385 92 279 18 229 93 20 78 270 00 The matter of paying a certain bill of custom house duties to Oehlrichs & Co., N e w York, was referred to Mr. Gardner and business agent, with power to act. The bills presented for payment were then audited and allowed. Mr. W . C. Flagg, at this juncture, arrived to meet with the board, having been delayed by trains. The matter of repairing or exchanging the pump iii heating apparatus, was referred to the executive committee. Miss C. E. Patchen was allowed $25.60 per term, for instruction of choir, to begin January 1st, 1877. The salary of M. J. Kenis was increased to $75.00 per month (for ten months). The following special appropriations were then made :— $20 50 25 5 15 25 40 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 for " " " " " " " materials, etc., for physical laboratory. tools for machine shop. repairs and improvement in shops. shelvings in pattern room. instructor of military band. apparatus for calisthenics. models for classes in designing. clock and other articles for dep't of civil engineering. was then read, received The report of head farmer E. S. Lawrence and ordered to be placed on file. To J. M. GREGORY, Regent Illinois Industrial University : I herewith present a report of t h e operations of t h e agricultural department, for t h e year ending November 30, 1876. The year, on t h e whole, has been prosperous. F a i r crops have been raised, and fair prices realized. The crops raised, have been as follows : Corn, 150 a c r e s ; meadow, 120 acres ; p a s t u r e , 145 acres ; oats, 40 acres ; r y e , 8 acres. Besides this t h e r e was 15 acres of corn, a n d 10 acres of clover in t h e experimental orchard. The corn yielded from 80 bushels down t o nothing. About 20 acres was drowned out, so t h a t t h e yield was practically nothing. The average for t h e whole planted was 45 bushels to t h e acre. T h e u s u a l n u m b e r of hogs and cattle have been k e p t . Hogs have done well, been healthy, a n d sold for paying prices. Notwithstanding t h e fact t h a t cattle have fallen from V/% t o 1 cent p e r pound in t h e last year, a small profit h a s been realized. 2
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