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158 and heartily approved by some of the most eminent medical men in the state. COUBSE I N DOMESTIC S C I E N C E . Required for Degree of B. S. in School of Domestic FIRST YEAR. Science. 1. 2. 3. Chemistry; Trigonometry and Drawing; British authors. Chemistry; Designing and Drawing; American authors. Chemistry; Designing and Drawing; Rhetoric. SECOND YEAR. 1. 2. 3. Botany; Physiology, German and English Classics. Food and Dietetics, (simple aliments) Botany and Green-house; German or English classics. Food and Dietetics, (compound aliments and principles of cooking, etc.) Zoology; German or English Classics. THIRD YEAR. 1. 2. 3. Domestic Hygiene; Ancient History; German or French. Physics; Mediaeval History, German or French. Physics or Landscape Gardening; Modern History; German French. FOURTH Y E A R . or 1. 2. 3. Household Esthetics; Mental Science; History of Civilization. Household Science; Constitutional History; Logic. Domestic Economy; Usages of Society, etc.; Political Economy; Home Architecture; Graduation Thesis or Oration or Essay. COLLEGE OF LITERATURE AND SCIENCE. FACULTY. The REGENT, Professor SNYDER, Dean, Professor CRAWFORD, Professor BURRILL, Professor T A F T , F . A. P A R S O N S , C H A S . I. P I C K A R D , Professor Professor Professor Professor Professor PICKARD, SHATTUCK, WEBER, ROBINSON, BAUMGRAS, Major DINWIDDIE. SCHOOLS. English and Modern Languages. Ancient Languages and Literature.