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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1874 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
IND EX, PAGE. 92,95 Absence, leave granted 117 Congressional Investigation 106 Acres cultivated in Illinois 132,133,134 Corn, Experiments with 58,103 Admission, terms of 21 Corresponding Secretary, report 129,130 Advertisements 57 Counties of Illinois, Area 49 Agriculture, apparatus of 24 Courses of Study Collegeof . 23 62 Instruction in 24 Dedicatory Exercises, new building 129,131 Professor of 61,91, 92,95,117 Density of Population, Illinois 40 School of 49,91 Departments of University 40,117 Scientific 19,40 Domestic Science and Art - - 45 Agricultural improvements of Illinois 132 Dormitories 19,44 Algebra 101 Drawing .56 Analytical Chemistry 19 Drives 60 Ancient Languages 43,52,117 Dry House Annual Meeting 93,96 79 Eighth 88 Eaton, Gen. John—Address 123 Arbitrating Committee 56 Endowment Fund, statement of 19,26,27,28,29,30,31,33 Architecture .19, 33, 41, 51, 91 Engineering Civil 31 Area of Illinois counties 129,130 Collegeof 26 States 128 Contributions to 87 Appropriations 122 Art Collection 47,91,102 Mechanical 28 Mining 33 Assistants 6 Preparation 26 Association, Christian 46 Theses 27 Scientific 46 19,42,52 Astronomy and Geodesey 44 English Language and Literature 45 Attendance. 90 Examinations 3,57,101,115 Auditing Committee. 95,98 Exeoutive Committee Meeting, April 22, 1874 115 June 9, 1874 116 Battalion, University 4 August 11, 1874 120 Beveridge, Governor—Address 76 Bills audited 55, 58, 61, 94, 96,115,119,120 Expenses to Students 48 Board 45 Experimental Farm 99,101,103 Boarding Hall, Ladies 46 Experiments 103 In Comparative Fertility 103 Board of Trustees 3,55 Cultivation 106 Officers of 3 Deep and Shallow Plowing -107 Buildings and Grounds 14,93 Feeding 108 Business Agent 56,100,120 Varieties of Corn 107 Calendar, 1874-5 48 Catalogue and Circular 1 90 Cattle, rearing and feeding 109 Faculty 132,133 Certificates 45,54,116 Farm Products 108 Chemistry, Professor of, duties 118 Feeding Experiments Room for 57,58 Fellows, Rev. Mr.—Speech 85 School of 34,41,51,91 Fences 56 Christian Association 46 Fine Art Gallery .-47 Civil Engineering 19,50,91 Freedom of Studies 19,100 Cleaning and whitening 57 French Language and Literature 42 Coal and Coal Houses. 118 Funds 17 Cobb, E., report 89 Colleges and Schools 22 College of Agriculture 23 Gehlman, S. H.~settlement with 56,100 Engineering 26 German Language and Literature 42 Literature and Science 36 Government of Students - 47 Natural Science 34 Graduates, 1874 54,116 Commercial Science 19,89,49 Green House ......17,57,120 Commencement Exercises 53 Greek Language and Literature 43 Committee, Arbitrating 56 Gregory, Dr. J . M.—Historical Address 63 Auditing 95 Report 90 Course of Study 100 Gymnasium Club 47 Executive 9,57,101,115 Gymnastio Apparatus 47,56
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